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有没有办法将多个 gt 表导出到单个 HTML output

[英]Is there a way to export multiple gt tables to a single HTML output

I have a list of many (can be dozens of) tables created with the gt package in R.我有一个使用 R 中的gt package 创建的许多(可能是几十个)表的列表。 I would like to export them all as a single HTML file with a little space between each table.我想将它们全部导出为单个 HTML 文件,每个表之间有一点空间。 Currently, I have been exporting each table individually, reading them into an RMarkdown with the xfun package, and knitting to a single HTML file.目前,我一直在单独导出每个表,使用 xfun package 将它们读入xfun ,并编织成单个 HTML 文件。 I'm curious if there is a method to cut out the intermediate step of saving each table individually and reading into the Rmd.我很好奇是否有一种方法可以省去单独保存每个表并读入 Rmd 的中间步骤。



tbl_list <- list(mtcar_tbl = mtcars %>% gt(),
     iris_tbl  = iris %>% gt(),
     cars_tbl  = cars %>% gt())

purrr::map(seq_along(tbl_list), function(rownum){
  htmltools::save_html(html = tbl_list[[rownum]],
                       file = paste0("test",rownum,".html"))

RMarkdown to combine and export tables: RMarkdown 合并和导出表格:

title: ""
output: html_document

```{r, echo=FALSE,message=FALSE,warning=FALSE}

```{r echo=FALSE}


```{r echo=FALSE}


```{r echo=FALSE}

One option would be to use purrr::walk with chunk option results="asis" to directly print your tables without the intermediate step.一种选择是使用带有块选项results="asis"purrr::walk直接打印您的表格,而无需中间步骤。 To add the line breaks after each table use cat("<br><br>") :要在每个表后添加换行符,请使用cat("<br><br>")

Note: For the reprex I just print the head of each table.注意:对于reprex,我只打印每个表的head

title: "Untitled"
output: html_document
date: "2022-09-19"

```{r echo=FALSE, results='asis', warning=FALSE, message=FALSE}

tbl_list <- list(mtcar_tbl = mtcars,
     iris_tbl  = iris,
     cars_tbl  = cars)
tbl_list <- purrr::map(tbl_list, ~ head(.x) %>% gt() )

purrr::walk(tbl_list, function(x) { print(x); cat("<br><br>") })


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