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从 Google JWT 到使用 React 和 Node.js 访问和刷新令牌

[英]From Google JWT to Access and Refresh tokens using React and Node.js

I have a MERN application and I want to obtain the following behaviour in my app:我有一个 MERN 应用程序,我想在我的应用程序中获得以下行为:

  1. A user logs in with with google using the GoogleLogin component in the @react-oauth/google package用户使用@react-oauth/google package 中的GoogleLogin组件通过 google 登录
  2. After the user logs in and gives permission to my app to access some Google API (eg Google Calendar), I want to send the JWT generated from the login process to the Node.js backend在用户登录并授予我的应用程序访问某些 Google API(例如 Google 日历)的权限后,我想将登录过程生成的 JWT 发送到 Node.js 后端
  3. I want to "extract" access and refresh tokens from this JWT (decoding it in some way?)我想从这个 JWT 中“提取”访问和刷新令牌(以某种方式对其进行解码?)
  4. I want to store the tokens in a persistent way so that I can access the user's calendar whenever I want我想以持久的方式存储令牌,以便我可以随时访问用户的日历

I managed to get this done with the GoogleLogin from react-google-login package, which gives you a code that can be exchanged for tokens in the backend.我设法通过react-google-login package 中的GoogleLogin完成了这项工作,它为您提供了一个可以在后端交换令牌的代码。 But this library has been recently deprecated (when I try to log in with this button I get this error: idpiframe_initialization_failed ).但是这个库最近已被弃用(当我尝试使用此按钮登录时,我收到此错误: idpiframe_initialization_failed )。 I don't know anymore how to use this library.我不知道如何使用这个库了。

This is the code that I use to login:这是我用来登录的代码:

<GoogleOAuthProvider clientId={"MY_CLIENT_ID"}>

And this is the object I get when the log in is successful:这是我登录成功时得到的object:

   clientId: "MY_CLIENT_ID"
   credential: "JWT_string"
   select_by: "btn"

I'm not sure this is the right approach to use in order to get access and refresh tokens to use in the backend, or if there's a better way to do so with the new Google Identity Services SDK.我不确定这是为了获取访问和刷新令牌以在后端使用的正确方法,或者是否有更好的方法来使用新的 Google 身份服务 SDK。

What a coincidence,, I'm currently working on a blog to explain OIDC, OAuth.真是巧合,我目前正在写博客来解释 OIDC,OAuth。 and the new Google Identity Services, and somehow I saw this question.和新的谷歌身份服务,不知何故我看到了这个问题。

let me give a TLDR version to explain different response_type first.让我先给出一个 TLDR 版本来解释不同的response_type

  1. access_token and refresh_token are part of Implicit Flow with response_type=token and Authorization code flow with response_type=code as defined in OIDC 1.0 Core spec . access_tokenrefresh_token具有 response_type=token 的隐式流具有 response_type=code 的授权代码流的一部分,如OIDC 1.0 核心规范中所定义。
  2. The JWT (included in "credentials" field of the returned JSON object from Google Server), is Implicit Flow with response_type=id_token . JWT(包含在返回的 JSON object 来自 Google 服务器的“凭据”字段中)是具有 response_type=id_token 的隐式流

Here is a small demo link in case you want to play with different auth methods.如果您想使用不同的身份验证方法,这是一个小的演示链接

I want to "extract" access and refresh tokens from this JWT (decoding it in some way?)我想从这个 JWT 中“提取”访问和刷新令牌(以某种方式对其进行解码?)

I don't think so.我不这么认为。 Since id_token was never meant for that purpose.因为id_token从来就不是为了这个目的。

I want to store the tokens persistently so that I can access the user's calendar whenever I want我想永久存储令牌,以便我可以随时访问用户的日历

I would suggest not using id_token since you need access_token and refresh_token .我建议不要使用id_token ,因为您需要access_tokenrefresh_token You can consider the following flow:您可以考虑以下流程:

  1. Use Authorization code flow with response_type=code to get the code .使用带有response_type=code的授权代码流来获取code
  2. Using the code get the refresh_token by making a POST request to https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token .使用code通过向https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token发出 POST 请求来获取refresh_token (The response will also contain access_token. Just ignore it.) Or you can also use google-api-nodejs-client library. (响应也将包含 access_token。忽略它。)或者您也可以使用google-api-nodejs-client库。
  3. Store the refresh token safely.安全地存储刷新令牌。
  4. Make a POST request to https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token with the following BODY to get the access_token .使用以下 BODY 向https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token发出POST请求以获取access_token
    "grant_type": "refresh_token",
    "refresh_token": "YOUR_REFRESH_TOKEN",
    "client_id": "YOUR_VALUE.apps.googleusercontent.com",
    "client_secret": "YOUT_SECRET_VALUE"

Do let me know if that helps.如果有帮助,请告诉我。 Cheers.干杯。

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