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React JS 中的 Typescript onclick function

[英]Typescript onclick function in React JS

I have this code in my react js application:我的反应 js 应用程序中有这段代码:

 <button onClick={tes} type="button">click</button>

and this is my tes function:这是我的测试tes

const tes = (id: string) => {

If i hover over onClick function TS engine return:如果我 hover 超过onClick function TS 引擎返回:

TS2322: Type '(id: string) => void' is not assignable to type 'MouseEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement>'.   Types of parameters 'id' and 'event' are incompatible.     Type 'MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement, MouseEvent>' is not assignable to type 'string'.

Question: How to fix this and to add correct types?问题:如何解决这个问题并添加正确的类型?

You can't control the type of event that is passed as a parameter to the onClick handler function.您无法控制作为参数传递给 onClick 处理程序 function 的事件类型。 But you can use a dummy middleware function and call your custom handler with a custom parameter by doing something like this:但是您可以使用虚拟中间件 function 并通过执行以下操作使用自定义参数调用您的自定义处理程序:

<button onClick={() => tes("myid")} type="button">click</button>

const tes = (id: string) => {

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