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将 email 从收件箱移动到 Outlook web 加载项中的 Microsoft 组邮箱

[英]Move email from Inbox to Microsoft group mailbox in Outlook web add-in

I am working on custom outlook web add-in where I need to move the email from my Inbox to the selected Microsoft Group mailbox programmatically.我正在开发自定义 outlook web 加载项,我需要以编程方式将 email 从我的收件箱移动到选定的 Microsoft 组邮箱。

I checked the move-message endpoint https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/message-move but that requires destination folder Id which I am not able to get it.我检查了移动消息端点https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/message-move但这需要我无法获得的目标文件夹 ID。

Is this possible using Graph API or any other way?这是否可以使用 Graph API 或任何其他方式?

The Graph API doesn't support moving messages between mailboxes so what you described wouldn't work at least with the move operation even if you had the Id.图表 API 不支持在邮箱之间移动消息,因此即使您有 Id,您所描述的至少对于移动操作也不起作用。 There are also some limitations around shared mailboxes in add-ins https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/dev/add-ins/outlook/delegate-access?tabs=windows加载项https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/dev/add-ins/outlook/delegate-access?tabs=windows中的共享邮箱也有一些限制

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