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在quickchart js中更改进度条的边框颜色

[英]Change the border color of a progress bar in quickchart js

i'm using quickchart.js to create a progress bar and i have a problem.我正在使用quickchart.js创建进度条,但我遇到了问题。 When I create a progress bar by assigning it a background color it works but there is a permanent blue border that I can't remove.当我通过为其分配背景颜色来创建进度条时,它可以工作,但是有一个无法删除的永久蓝色边框。 Here the first example这里是第一个例子

I tried to change the color of the border but it does not change this border.我试图改变边框的颜色,但它不会改变这个边框。 Here the second example with border color这是带有边框颜色的第二个示例

  type: 'progressBar',
  data: {
    datasets: [{
      backgroundColor: '#32cd32',
      data: [50],
      datalabels: {
          font: {
              style: 'Arial',
              size: 18,

Is there a possibility to remove this border or change its color?是否有可能删除此边框或更改其颜色?

You can define a second dataset that specifies the total (100%) of the progress bar.您可以定义第二个dataset来指定进度条的总数 (100%)。

In order to remove the border, this could look as follows:为了删除边框,这可能如下所示:

  type: 'progressBar',
  data: {
    datasets: [{
      backgroundColor: '#32cd32',
      data: [50]
      borderColor: 'white',
      data: [100]

Simply change borderColor in case you want a specific border to be drawn.如果您想要绘制特定的边框,只需更改borderColor

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