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[英]Missing in props validation (props-types)

I'm trying to transfer my code below from a project to another project (CoreUI) that has .eslintrc and .prettier rules.我正在尝试将下面的代码从一个项目转移到另一个具有.eslintrc.prettier规则的项目(CoreUI)。 Anyway, doing that (transferring code) gets me a couple of errors that i dont know how to fix them.无论如何,这样做(传输代码)会给我带来一些我不知道如何解决的错误。 Please help.请帮忙。

Note : I found this question but i dont know how to use the solution to fix this issue.注意:我发现了这个问题,但我不知道如何使用该解决方案来解决此问题。


  Line 13:11:  'notify' is missing in props validation          react/prop-types
  Line 13:19:  'setNotify' is missing in props validation       react/prop-types
  Line 26:20:  'notify.isOpen' is missing in props validation   react/prop-types
  Line 31:31:  'notify.type' is missing in props validation     react/prop-types
  Line 32:17:  'notify.message' is missing in props validation  react/prop-types

The Code:编码:

import { Snackbar } from '@mui/material'
import React from 'react'
import { Alert } from '@material-ui/lab'
import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core'

const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
  root: {
    top: theme.spacing(8),

export default function Notification(props) {
  const { notify, setNotify } = props
  const classes = useStyles()

  const handleClose = (event, reason) => {
      isOpen: false,

  return (
      anchorOrigin={{ vertical: 'top', horizontal: 'right' }}
      <Alert severity={notify.type} onClose={handleClose}>

.eslintrc.js Code: .eslintrc.js 代码:

module.exports = {
  // parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
  parserOptions: {
    ecmaVersion: 2020,
    sourceType: 'module',
    ecmaFeatures: {
      jsx: true,
  settings: {
    react: {
      version: 'detect',
  extends: [
  plugins: ['react', 'react-hooks'],
  rules: {  },

In your.eslintrc file, add a rule to disable the props type validation在您的 .eslintrc 文件中,添加一条规则以禁用道具类型验证

rules: { "react/prop-types": 0 }

Or add prop type validation for your component或者为您的组件添加道具类型验证

import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

Notification.propTypes = {
    notify: PropTypes.shape({
        message: PropTypes.string,
        type: PropTypes.string,
        isOpen: PropTypes.bool
    setNotify: PropTypes.func

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