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尝试在 swift 应用程序中获取数据后,数组为 null

[英]Array is null after trying to fetch data in swift app

I am trying to save an array which I have stored in firestore in a local array我正在尝试将存储在 firestore 中的数组保存在本地数组中

this is the method where the error occurs:这是发生错误的方法:

 func getEvents() async {
        let db = Firestore.firestore()
        var allEvents = [String]()
        var docIDuser = ""
        docIDuser = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "userDocID") as! String
     try? await db.collection("user").document(docIDuser).getDocument() { (document, error) in
            if let document = document, document.exists {
                allEvents = (document.data()!["events"] as? [String])!
            } else {
                print("Document does not exist")
        for element in allEvents {
            try? await db.collection("event").document(element as! String).getDocument() { (document, error) in
                if let document = document, document.exists {
                    let ev = document.data()!
                    self.eventlist.append(Event(id: document.documentID, name: document["eventname"] as? String ?? ""))
                } else {
                    print("Document does not exist")

I tried to debug the code and within this part:我尝试调试代码,并在这一部分中:

try? await db.collection("user").document(docIDuser).getDocument() { (document, error) in
            if let document = document, document.exists {
                allEvents = (document.data()!["events"] as? [String])!
            } else {
                print("Document does not exist")

allEvents is filled with the values that I need but as soon as I leave the block, allEvents doesn't have any values left. allEvents 填充了我需要的值,但是一旦我离开块, allEvents 就没有任何值了。 It is probably an async problem but I don't get why it isn't working since I am trying to avoid this issue by implementing async/await这可能是一个异步问题,但我不明白为什么它不起作用,因为我试图通过实现 async/await 来避免这个问题

this is where I call the method:这是我调用该方法的地方:

 Button(action: {
                    Task {
                        try? await viewModel.getEvents()
                }, label: {
                    Text("events test")

any help would be appreciated任何帮助,将不胜感激

You are not supposed to use a closure when using async/await with firebase.将 async/await 与 firebase 一起使用时,您不应该使用闭包。

Instead of the closure the function will return the values. function 将返回值,而不是关闭。

let result = try? await db.collection("user").document(docIDuser).getDocument()


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