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Cpanel 网站无法在 HTTP 上运行 - 如何解决?

[英]Cpanel Website not working on HTTP - How to solve?

I am hosting my websites on Cpanel with Namecheap.我使用 Namecheap 在 Cpanel 上托管我的网站。 I had a SSL certificates installed on a website that recently expired.我在最近过期的网站上安装了 SSL 证书。 I don't want to renew it since the domain is just for testing (not using it).我不想续订它,因为该域仅用于测试(不使用它)。 Since the SSL expired, now the website won't load on HTTPS and when i try to open it on HTTP it redirects to HTTPS and gives an error. Since the SSL expired, now the website won't load on HTTPS and when i try to open it on HTTP it redirects to HTTPS and gives an error. i disabled auto redirecting to HTTPS on Namecheap and uninstalled the SSL and still keeps redirecting to HTTPS我在 Namecheap 上禁用了自动重定向到 HTTPS 并卸载了 SSL 并仍然继续重定向到 HTTPS

I think i need a code to force HTTP access in my .htaccess or something but i'm missing something here.我想我需要一个代码来强制 HTTP 访问我的 .htaccess 或其他东西,但我在这里遗漏了一些东西。 Can anyone help?任何人都可以帮忙吗?

You can't have two services listening/running on the same port on your server.您不能让两个服务在服务器上的同一端口上侦听/运行。 One port is specifically bound for one service/app only.一个端口专门为一项服务/应用程序绑定。 In case you need to run several NodeJS apps on one server and bind them on ports, then you will have to choose different ports for each of your instances.如果您需要在一台服务器上运行多个 NodeJS 应用程序并将它们绑定到端口上,那么您必须为每个实例选择不同的端口。

There are a few possibilities why this happens:发生这种情况有几种可能:

  1. They have a global force HTTPS redirection in place or forcing HSTS header.他们有一个全局力量 HTTPS 重定向或强制 HSTS header。 If so, you have to reach their support to disable it for you if possible.如果是这样,您必须尽可能获得他们的支持以禁用它。
  2. You have a local force HTTPS redirection in place.您有一个本地强制 HTTPS 重定向到位。 Please check your .htaccess file.请检查您的 .htaccess 文件。
  3. Your application is configured to work explicitly with HTTPS:// URL.您的应用程序配置为明确使用 HTTPS://URL。 If so, you have to re-configure it back to use HTTP://如果是这样,您必须重新配置它以使用 HTTP://
  4. Last but not least, make sure to clear your browser's cache, as you might have cached the redirect response to HTTPS.最后但同样重要的是,确保清除浏览器的缓存,因为您可能已经缓存了对 HTTPS 的重定向响应。

If they lack support, I would definitely suggest switching to the web hosting provider.如果他们缺乏支持,我肯定会建议切换到 web 托管服务提供商。 There are quite a lot of managed providers that would help in such situations.在这种情况下,有很多托管提供商会提供帮助。

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