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如何关闭远程调试以在 IE 中打开此站点?

[英]How to turn off remote debugging to open this site in IE?

I am automating an application in Microsoft Edge browser on Windows 11 system.我正在 Windows 11 系统上的 Microsoft Edge 浏览器中自动化应用程序。 How can I remove that from running browser instance.如何从正在运行的浏览器实例中删除它。 I also checked similar question asked on stackoverflow but didnt get much help to overcome this banner.我还检查了在 stackoverflow 上提出的类似问题,但没有得到太多帮助来克服这个横幅。

Turn off remote debugging to open this site in internet explorer mode. 关闭远程调试以在 Internet Explorer 模式下打开此站点。 Otherwise, it might not work as expected 否则,它可能无法按预期工作

Environment Used: Windows 11使用环境:Windows 11

Microsoft Edge: 105.0.1343.42微软边缘:105.0.1343.42

Selenium: 3.141.59 Selenium:3.141.59

BaseDriver.Java BaseDriver.Java

else if (browser.equalsIgnoreCase("edge")) {
                        FileReaderManager.getInstance().getConfigReader().getDriverPath() + "/msedgedriver.exe");
                capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.edge();
                // Creating an object of EdgeDriver
                driver = new EdgeDriver();

                // Deleting all the cookies

                // Specifiying pageLoadTimeout and Implicit wait
                driver.manage().timeouts().pageLoadTimeout(40, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);


<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 https://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
    <!--    <dependency>
        </dependency> -->



    <!--     <dependency>
        </dependency> -->


Please refer attached screen shot for your reference请参阅随附的屏幕截图以供参考


From your description, I think you have configured the site in IE mode site list and tried to automate it in IE mode.根据您的描述,我认为您已将站点配置为 IE 模式站点列表并尝试在 IE 模式下将其自动化。 It's the expected behavior that you see the error message because you're not using the right way to automate IE mode in Edge.这是您看到错误消息的预期行为,因为您没有使用正确的方法在 Edge 中自动执行 IE 模式。

The right way to automate IE mode in Edge is using IE Driver instead of Edge Driver.在 Edge 中自动化 IE 模式的正确方法是使用 IE 驱动程序而不是 Edge 驱动程序。 For the detailed steps, please follow this guide: Use Internet Explorer Driver to automate IE mode in Microsoft Edge .有关详细步骤,请遵循本指南: 使用 Internet Explorer 驱动程序在 Microsoft Edge 中自动化 IE 模式

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