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Clojure 中的可关闭惰性序列

[英]Closeable lazy-seq in Clojure

I'm trying to create a lazy-seq which is also closeable.我正在尝试创建一个也可以关闭的惰性序列。 What would be the cleanest way to do that in Clojure?在 Clojure 中最干净的方法是什么? Intended usage (but it's just one example, I can think of more usages for a closeable lazy sequance):预期用途(但这只是一个示例,我可以想到可关闭惰性序列的更多用法):

(with-open [lines (file-lines-seq file)]
   (consume (map do-stuff-to-line lines))) 

Which in this case would be equivalent to:在这种情况下,这相当于:

(with-open [reader io/reader file]
    (consume (map do-stuff-to-line (line-seq file))))

Managed to get the intended usage with this wonderful piece of code:设法通过这段精彩的代码获得预期的用途:

(defn file-lines-seq [file]
  (let [reader (clojure.java.io/reader file)
        lines-seq (line-seq reader)]
      (close [this] (.close reader))
      (first [this] (.first lines-seq))
      (next [this] (.next lines-seq))
      (more [this] (.more lines-seq))
      (cons [this var1] (.cons lines-seq var1))
      (count [this] (.count lines-seq))
      (empty [this] (.empty lines-seq))
      (equiv [this var1] (.equiv lines-seq var1))
      (seq [this] (.seq lines-seq))

If there's a less ugly way to do this, please let me know.如果有更丑陋的方法可以做到这一点,请告诉我。

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