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如何在 Camunda 中发送带有附件的 email?

[英]How I can send a email with attachments in Camunda?

I am new here and also using the Camunda application, my question is that when I try to send an email with Camunda's own extension ( camunda-bpm-mail ) I don't see that I have the option to send attachments along with the email and I would like to know if there is a way to do it.我是新来的,也使用 Camunda 应用程序,我的问题是,当我尝试发送带有 Camunda 自己的扩展名(camunda-bpm-mail)的 email 时,我看不到我可以选择与 email 一起发送附件我想知道是否有办法做到这一点。 Thank you.谢谢你。

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