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[英]How can I see commits that i upload?

I did some changes in my code and after that i did git-review .我对我的代码做了一些更改,然后我做了git-review The changes were on the branch b1 and I created only one commit for these changes.更改位于分支b1上,我只为这些更改创建了一个提交。 And the changes still unmereged.并且这些变化仍然没有被合并。

After some-days, I deleted this repo from my workspace, and i cloned this repo again.几天后,我从我的工作区中删除了这个 repo,然后我再次克隆了这个 repo。
I see the commit in gerrit, but I don't see on the branch, even after I did git pull --rebase .我在 gerrit 中看到了提交,但在分支上看不到,即使在我做了git pull --rebase之后也是如此。

What is the reason that I don't see my commit?我看不到我的提交的原因是什么? And how can I fix that (so I will can see it)?我该如何解决这个问题(这样我才能看到)?

If you don't see the commit on the branch I assume it's still on reviewing (it wasn't merged yet).如果您没有在分支上看到提交,我认为它仍在审核中(尚未合并)。 In this case, if you want to see the commit locally in a new repository clone, you need to download the commit explicitly.在这种情况下,如果您想在新的存储库克隆中本地查看提交,则需要显式下载提交。

  • Go to your Gerrit server; Go 到您的 Gerrit 服务器;
  • Go to the change page with your commit (which is on reviewing); Go 到您提交的更改页面(正在审核中);
  • Click on "DOWNLOAD" (on the middle-right of the page);点击“下载”(在页面的右中);
  • Choose and copy one of the available commands to download the commit:选择并复制可用命令之一以下载提交:


All commands will download the commit using different methods, I suggest using the "Checkout" one.所有命令都将使用不同的方法下载提交,我建议使用“Checkout”方法。

  • Execute the download command in your local repository.在本地存储库中执行下载命令。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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