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未正确生成顺风 3 调色板

[英]tailwind 3 color palette not generated properly

I have worked on this for about 3 hours and cannot get a heads up on it.我已经为此工作了大约 3 个小时,但无法对此有所了解。 I am using laravel 9. and laravel mix.我正在使用 laravel 9. 和 laravel 混合。 I have followed the instructions fo upgrade tailwind shown on the TailWind Website .我已按照TailWind 网站上显示的升级顺风的说明进行操作。 Yet the color pallete is not installing completely.然而,调色板没有完全安装。 For example, after compiling and creating css file in the public/css/app.css, there is only one entry for the 'bg-sky' color in the app.css:例如,在public/css/app.css中编译创建css文件后,app.ZC7A628CBA22E28EB17B5F5C6AE2A26中只有一个“bg-sky”颜色入口

.bg-sky-400 {
  --tw-bg-opacity: 1;
  background-color: rgb(56 189 248 / var(--tw-bg-opacity));

There should be entries for 50,and 100 thru 900, but only 400 is offered.应该有 50 和 100 到 900 的条目,但只提供 400。

btw, the gray color has all the proper gradients in the app.css, ranging from 50, 100 thru 900.顺便说一句,灰色在 app.css 中具有所有适当的渐变,范围从 50、100 到 900。

My tailwind.config.js file is as follows:我的tailwind.config.js 文件如下:

const defaultTheme = require('tailwindcss/defaultTheme');
const colors = require('tailwindcss/colors')

module.exports = {
  content: [
  darkMode: 'media', // or 'media' or 'class'
  theme: {
    extend: {
        colors: {
            gray: colors.neutral,
        fontFamily: {
            /*sans: ['Nunito', ...defaultTheme.fontFamily.sans],*/
        maxWidth: {
            '8xl': '88rem',
            '9xl': '96rem',
            '10xl': '104rem'
      fontSize: {
          'xss': '.70rem',
          'xs': '.75rem',
          'sm': '.875rem',
          'tiny': '.875rem',
          'base': '1rem',
          'lg': '1.125rem',
          'xl': '1.25rem',
          '2xl': '1.5rem',
          '3xl': '1.875rem',
          '4xl': '2.25rem',
          '5xl': '3rem',
          '6xl': '4rem',
          '7xl': '5rem',
  plugins: [require('@tailwindcss/forms'), require('@tailwindcss/typography')],

The following is stumping me.以下是难倒我。 If I change the color gray in the tailwind.config.js like so:如果我像这样更改tailwind.config.js 中的灰色:

theme: {
    extend: {
        colors: {
            gray: colors.sky,

Notice in the first example the setting was gray: colors.neutral.请注意,在第一个示例中,设置为灰色:colors.neutral。

If I go back into my generated app.css after runing laravel mix's如果我 go 在运行 laravel 混合后回到我生成的 app.css

sail npm run dev

I still find that the color gray has been generated as expected, and has all the gradients (50, 100 - 900).我仍然发现灰色已按预期生成,并且具有所有渐变(50、100 - 900)。 And gray is rendering as the sky color should be rendering灰色正在渲染,因为天空颜色应该是渲染的

In other words, I can get the palette if I re-define the color gray to be colors.sky in the tailwind.config.js file.换句话说,如果我在tailwind.config.js 文件中将灰色重新定义为colors.sky,就可以获得调色板。

HOWEVER, if i try to create a color this way:但是,如果我尝试以这种方式创建颜色:

extend: {
        colors: {
            dogcat: colors.sky,

there is no color 'dogcat' in the generated app.css.生成的 app.css 中没有颜色“dogcat”。

What Gives, If anyone knows.什么给,如果有人知道。 would appreciate you chiming in.会很感激你插话。

Oh, and by the way, I tried adding in the colors this way into the tailwind.config.js:哦,顺便说一句,我尝试以这种方式将 colors 添加到 tailwind.config.js 中:

   theme: {
    extend: {
        colors: {
            gray: colors.neutral,
                slate: {
    50: '#f8fafc',
    100: '#f1f5f9',
    200: '#e2e8f0',
    300: '#cbd5e1',
    400: '#94a3b8',
    500: '#64748b',
    600: '#475569',
    700: '#334155',
    800: '#1e293b',
    900: '#0f172a',
gray: {
    50: '#f9fafb',
    100: '#f3f4f6',
    200: '#e5e7eb',
    300: '#d1d5db',
    400: '#9ca3af',
    500: '#6b7280',
    600: '#4b5563',
    700: '#374151',
    800: '#1f2937',
    900: '#111827',
zinc: {
    50: '#fafafa',
    100: '#f4f4f5',
    200: '#e4e4e7',
    300: '#d4d4d8',
    400: '#a1a1aa',
    500: '#71717a',
    600: '#52525b',
    700: '#3f3f46',
    800: '#27272a',
    900: '#18181b',
neutral: {
    50: '#fafafa',
    100: '#f5f5f5',
    200: '#e5e5e5',
    300: '#d4d4d4',
    400: '#a3a3a3',
    500: '#737373',
    600: '#525252',
    700: '#404040',
    800: '#262626',
    900: '#171717',
stone: {
    50: '#fafaf9',
    100: '#f5f5f4',
    200: '#e7e5e4',
    300: '#d6d3d1',
    400: '#a8a29e',
    500: '#78716c',
    600: '#57534e',
    700: '#44403c',
    800: '#292524',
    900: '#1c1917',
red: {
    50: '#fef2f2',
    100: '#fee2e2',
    200: '#fecaca',
    300: '#fca5a5',
    400: '#f87171',
    500: '#ef4444',
    600: '#dc2626',
    700: '#b91c1c',
    800: '#991b1b',
    900: '#7f1d1d',
orange: {
    50: '#fff7ed',
    100: '#ffedd5',
    200: '#fed7aa',
    300: '#fdba74',
    400: '#fb923c',
    500: '#f97316',
    600: '#ea580c',
    700: '#c2410c',
    800: '#9a3412',
    900: '#7c2d12',
amber: {
    50: '#fffbeb',
    100: '#fef3c7',
    200: '#fde68a',
    300: '#fcd34d',
    400: '#fbbf24',
    500: '#f59e0b',
    600: '#d97706',
    700: '#b45309',
    800: '#92400e',
    900: '#78350f',
yellow: {
    50: '#fefce8',
    100: '#fef9c3',
    200: '#fef08a',
    300: '#fde047',
    400: '#facc15',
    500: '#eab308',
    600: '#ca8a04',
    700: '#a16207',
    800: '#854d0e',
    900: '#713f12',
lime: {
    50: '#f7fee7',
    100: '#ecfccb',
    200: '#d9f99d',
    300: '#bef264',
    400: '#a3e635',
    500: '#84cc16',
    600: '#65a30d',
    700: '#4d7c0f',
    800: '#3f6212',
    900: '#365314',
green: {
    50: '#f0fdf4',
    100: '#dcfce7',
    200: '#bbf7d0',
    300: '#86efac',
    400: '#4ade80',
    500: '#22c55e',
    600: '#16a34a',
    700: '#15803d',
    800: '#166534',
    900: '#14532d',
emerald: {
    50: '#ecfdf5',
    100: '#d1fae5',
    200: '#a7f3d0',
    300: '#6ee7b7',
    400: '#34d399',
    500: '#10b981',
    600: '#059669',
    700: '#047857',
    800: '#065f46',
    900: '#064e3b',
teal: {
    50: '#f0fdfa',
    100: '#ccfbf1',
    200: '#99f6e4',
    300: '#5eead4',
    400: '#2dd4bf',
    500: '#14b8a6',
    600: '#0d9488',
    700: '#0f766e',
    800: '#115e59',
    900: '#134e4a',
cyan: {
    50: '#ecfeff',
    100: '#cffafe',
    200: '#a5f3fc',
    300: '#67e8f9',
    400: '#22d3ee',
    500: '#06b6d4',
    600: '#0891b2',
    700: '#0e7490',
    800: '#155e75',
    900: '#164e63',
sky: {
    50: '#f0f9ff',
    100: '#e0f2fe',
    200: '#bae6fd',
    300: '#7dd3fc',
    400: '#38bdf8',
    500: '#0ea5e9',
    600: '#0284c7',
    700: '#0369a1',
    800: '#075985',
    900: '#0c4a6e',
blue: {
    50: '#eff6ff',
    100: '#dbeafe',
    200: '#bfdbfe',
    300: '#93c5fd',
    400: '#60a5fa',
    500: '#3b82f6',
    600: '#2563eb',
    700: '#1d4ed8',
    800: '#1e40af',
    900: '#1e3a8a',
indigo: {
    50: '#eef2ff',
    100: '#e0e7ff',
    200: '#c7d2fe',
    300: '#a5b4fc',
    400: '#818cf8',
    500: '#6366f1',
    600: '#4f46e5',
    700: '#4338ca',
    800: '#3730a3',
    900: '#312e81',
violet: {
    50: '#f5f3ff',
    100: '#ede9fe',
    200: '#ddd6fe',
    300: '#c4b5fd',
    400: '#a78bfa',
    500: '#8b5cf6',
    600: '#7c3aed',
    700: '#6d28d9',
    800: '#5b21b6',
    900: '#4c1d95',
purple: {
    50: '#faf5ff',
    100: '#f3e8ff',
    200: '#e9d5ff',
    300: '#d8b4fe',
    400: '#c084fc',
    500: '#a855f7',
    600: '#9333ea',
    700: '#7e22ce',
    800: '#6b21a8',
    900: '#581c87',
fuchsia: {
    50: '#fdf4ff',
    100: '#fae8ff',
    200: '#f5d0fe',
    300: '#f0abfc',
    400: '#e879f9',
    500: '#d946ef',
    600: '#c026d3',
    700: '#a21caf',
    800: '#86198f',
    900: '#701a75',
pink: {
    50: '#fdf2f8',
    100: '#fce7f3',
    200: '#fbcfe8',
    300: '#f9a8d4',
    400: '#f472b6',
    500: '#ec4899',
    600: '#db2777',
    700: '#be185d',
    800: '#9d174d',
    900: '#831843',
rose: {
    50: '#fff1f2',
    100: '#ffe4e6',
    200: '#fecdd3',
    300: '#fda4af',
    400: '#fb7185',
    500: '#f43f5e',
    600: '#e11d48',
    700: '#be123c',
    800: '#9f1239',
    900: '#881337',


I added all the colors in the above way.我以上述方式添加了所有colors。 I got the color codes from the tailwind website.我从顺风网站获得了颜色代码。 that didn't seem to work.这似乎不起作用。

I also took the color section completely out of the tailwind.config.js as well:我还完全从 tailwind.config.js 中取出了颜色部分:

 theme: {
    extend: {

        fontFamily: {
            /*sans: ['Nunito', ...defaultTheme.fontFamily.sans],*/
        maxWidth: {
            '8xl': '88rem',
            '9xl': '96rem',
            '10xl': '104rem'

Still no success.仍然没有成功。 However, bg-sky- shows up twice in the generated app.css file:但是,bg-sky- 在生成的 app.css 文件中出现了两次:

.bg-sky-300 {
  --tw-bg-opacity: 1;
  background-color: rgb(125 211 252 / var(--tw-bg-opacity));
.bg-sky-400 {
  --tw-bg-opacity: 1;
  background-color: rgb(56 189 248 / var(--tw-bg-opacity));

In fact the term '-sky-' appears only twice in the entire app.css file.事实上,“-sky-”这个词在整个 app.css 文件中只出现了两次。

It seems that the only color that has been generated properly is gray, as it shows up 61 times in the generated css file.似乎唯一正确生成的颜色是灰色,因为它在生成的 css 文件中出现了 61 次。 here ae the numbers这里是数字

-blue-          => 15 times
-indigo-        => 31 times
-slate-         => 0 times
-gray-         => 61 times
-rose-         => 1 time
-zinc-         => 0 times
-stone-       => 0 times
-red-          => 15 times
-violet-       => 0 times
-pink-        => 6 times
-lime-        => 0 times
-green-     => 9 times
-emerald-  => 0 times
-teal-        => 0 times
-cyan-       => 0 times
-sky-       => 2 times
-neutral-   => 0 times
-orange-   => 0 times
-purple-   => 4 times
-fuchsia-   => 0 times
-yellow-   => 3 times
-amber-    => 0 times

What gives!是什么赋予了!

well, i think Snapey's comment triggered the answer.好吧,我认为斯内皮的评论触发了答案。 using laravel mix, i didn't realize that it would not load the entire tailwind framework.使用 laravel 混合,我没有意识到它不会加载整个顺风框架。 I thought it would wile I was using npm run dev.我以为我正在使用 npm 运行开发。 But, I have to make reference to the attreibute setting before laravel mix will place it in the public css file.但是,在 laravel 混合将其放入公共 css 文件之前,我必须参考属性设置。

So, I will run npm run watch so it will auto generate the css file as I add the attribute settings.因此,我将运行 npm 运行观察,以便在我添加属性设置时自动生成 css 文件。

If someone knows how to install the entire tailwind framework under laravel mix while in development, would appreciate the comment.如果有人在开发过程中知道如何在 laravel 混合下安装整个顺风框架,将不胜感激。

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