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从 SwiftUI 中的其他/根视图中关闭呈现的工作表

[英]Dismiss presented sheet from other/root views in SwiftUI

I want to dismiss any presented sheet on receiving deeplink or notification.我想在接收深度链接或通知时关闭任何提交的表格。 This was possible in UIKit by checking rootview/navigation controller has presented modal and then easily you can dismiss it.这在 UIKit 中是可能的,方法是检查 rootview/navigation controller 已呈现模式,然后您可以轻松地将其关闭。 How can I achieve the same behavior by using SwiftUI?如何使用 SwiftUI 实现相同的行为?

One way is like this:一种方法是这样的:

.sheet(isPresented: $sheetConfig.isPresented) {

.onOpenURL { url in 

struct SheetConfig {
    var isPresented = false

    mutating func hide() {
        isPresented = false

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