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如何用 i18n Ally vscode 插件翻译老挝语?

[英]How to translate Lao with i18n Ally vscode plugin?

I currently have other languages configured and able to translate, I am not sure if I have found the correct identifier for Lao, I named it la and it seems to show the corresponding flag, but when I use the mechanical translation, it The result of the translation is English not Lao.我目前配置了其他语言并且能够翻译,我不确定我是否找到了老挝的正确标识符,我将它命名为 la 并且它似乎显示了相应的标志,但是当我使用机械翻译时,它的结果翻译是英语而不是老挝语。

Try lo instead of la .尝试lo而不是la The former should be the correct identifier for Lao.前者应该是老挝的正确标识符。

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