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如何替换 python 中字符串中的特定字符?

[英]How can I replace specific character from a string in python?

First, I tried to replace a couple of 'e' from the string and the string ended up like the following-首先,我尝试从字符串中替换几个“e”,字符串最终如下所示 -

string = 'Python is e high-level progremming lenguege'

How can I replace those 'e' with spelling errors leaving other 'e' unchanged?如何用拼写错误替换那些“e”,而其他“e”保持不变?

Try this solution here https://pypi.org/project/pyspellchecker/在此处尝试此解决方案https://pypi.org/project/pyspellchecker/

I hope i could help我希望我能帮上忙

you could use textblob.你可以使用文本块。

from textblob import TextBlob

text = "Python is e high-level progremming lenguege"   # incorrect spelling
correct_text = TextBlob(text).correct()

>>> Python is e high-level programming language

Note: 'e' is not changed as 'a' because it corrects only spelling not letters or grammers.注意:“e”不会更改为“a”,因为它只纠正拼写而不是字母或语法。

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