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[英]Identify origin of an observable event on subscription

I have a BehaviorSubject<Array<user>> ( userListSub$ ) state that is updated from various places.我有一个从各个地方更新的BehaviorSubject<Array<user>> ( userListSub$ ) state。

For example,例如,

  • when I click Follow on a user当我在用户上单击“关注”时
  • when I click Unfollow on a user当我单击用户的取消关注时
  • when I favorite a user当我喜欢一个用户时

The same state is being subscribed in different components.在不同的组件中订阅了相同的 state。 I would like a particular component to not react to an event emitted by the state ( userListSub$ ) if the event was triggered when I favorite the user.如果在我喜欢用户时触发了事件,我希望特定组件不对 state ( userListSub$ ) 发出的事件做出反应。

I know we can store the origin of the event also in the state like this,我知道我们也可以像这样将事件的起源存储在 state 中,
userListSub$.next({ data: user, origin: userList })
and check for the origin where I subscribe.并检查我订阅的来源。

Is there a better way to identify or ignore the event on particular subscriptions?有没有更好的方法来识别或忽略特定订阅上的事件?
Am I thinking in the right direction?我在思考正确的方向吗? If not, can you suggest a better way?如果没有,你能推荐一个更好的方法吗?

You may to try a slightly different model.您可以尝试稍微不同的 model。

Suppose you have 3 components: C1, C2 and C3.假设您有 3 个组件:C1、C2 和 C3。 All the components react to the events "Click Follow on a user" and "Click Unfollow on a user".所有组件都会对“单击用户关注”和“单击用户取消关注”事件作出反应。

Only C1 and C2 though react to the event "favorite a user".尽管只有 C1 和 C2 对“收藏用户”事件做出反应。

In this case, you can model 2 streams of events, and therefore 2 BehaviourSubject s, let's call them S1 and S2 , one that notifies "Click Follow on a user" and "Click Unfollow on a user" events and the other that notifies the "favorite a user" event.在这种情况下,您可以 model 2 个事件流,因此 2 个BehaviourSubject ,我们称它们为S1S2 ,一个通知“点击用户”和“点击取消关注用户”事件,另一个通知“收藏用户”事件。

Then you can create an Observable , let's call it Obs1 = merge(S1, S2) that merges S1 and S2 .然后你可以创建一个Observable ,我们称之为Obs1 = merge(S1, S2)合并S1S2

Now, C1 and C2 can subscribe to Obs1 while C3 can subscribe to S1 .现在,C1 和 C2 可以订阅Obs1而 C3 可以订阅S1

In this way you should be able to achieve your objective and, at least in my opinion, this is a more idiomatic reactive way to achieve it than adding the id of the source.通过这种方式,您应该能够实现您的目标,并且至少在我看来,这是一种比添加源代码更惯用的反应方式来实现它。

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