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[英]V-model on div tag component

There's an issue when using v-model to div tags.v-model用于div标签时存在问题。 Apparently, div tags doesn't allow v-model and I've decided to create my comment section as a component.显然, div标签不允许使用v-model ,我决定将我的评论部分创建为一个组件。 I needed to assign this div text area as is because of UI/UX reasons.由于 UI/UX 的原因,我需要按原样分配这个div文本区域。 textarea , input , etc tags, as to my knowledge, these tags are not compatible with contenteditable="true" ; textareainput等标签,据我所知,这些标签与contenteditable="true"不兼容; I need to expand the height of the input field as a user types in their comments.当用户在他们的评论中键入时,我需要扩展输入字段的高度。 Below is the vue component that I imported in my parent view.下面是我在父视图中导入的 vue 组件。

<!-- CommentSection.vue -->
    <div id="chatId" contenteditable="true" placeholder="Leave a message" class="overflow-hidden block mx-4 text-left p-2.5 w-full text-sm text-gray-900 bg-white rounded-2xl border border-gray-300 focus:ring-blue-500 focus:border-blue-500"/>

#chatId[contenteditable="true"]:empty:not(:focus):before {
    content: attr(placeholder)

On my view file, I imported it and used v-model into it, just like this.在我的视图文件中,我将其导入并使用了v-model ,就像这样。

     <CommentSection v-model="comment"/>
     <button @click="submitPost()"> Submit </button>
import CommentSection from '@/components/CommentSection.vue'

export default{
 name: 'MainPage',
            comment: '',
      components: { CommentSection },

However, when I check my console, it gives me the value "null" or just nothing.然而,当我检查我的控制台时,它给我的值是“null”或者什么都没有。 Is there's a way to fix this?有没有办法解决这个问题? Or is it the way I implemented it that causes the problem.或者是我实现它的方式导致了问题。 Thank you in advance for anyone who can help!提前感谢任何可以提供帮助的人!

EDIT: Here's the running code in codesandbox .编辑:这是codesandbox中的运行代码。

I solved your problem and the code is as follows.我解决了你的问题,代码如下。 I hope I have helped我希望我有帮助

By adding @ to the div tag, we can see the changes in the content of the tag in the change method.通过在div标签中添加@,我们可以在change方法中看到标签内容的变化。 And in that method, use emit$ to share its value with other components在该方法中,使用 emit$ 与其他组件共享其值

<!-- CommentSection.vue -->
    <div id="chatId" @input="chanage" contenteditable="true" placeholder="Leave a message" class="overflow-hidden block mx-4 text-left p-2.5 w-full text-sm text-gray-900 bg-white rounded-2xl border border-gray-300 focus:ring-blue-500 focus:border-blue-500"/>

export default {
  methods: {
    chanage (e) {
      this.$emit('value-div', e.target.textContent)

#chatId[contenteditable="true"]:empty:not(:focus):before {
    content: attr(placeholder)

And here we have the props created by $emit, whose value we initialize in the comment variable.这里我们有 $emit 创建的 props,我们在 comment 变量中初始化了它的值。 Actually, it has a function similar to v-model.实际上,它有一个类似于 v-model 的 function。

     <CommentSection @value-div="(value)=>comment = value"/>
     <button @click="submitPost()"> Submit </button>
import CommentSection from '@/components/CommentSection.vue'

export default{
 name: 'MainPage',
            comment: '',
      components: { CommentSection },

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