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填充下拉字段,重力 forms

[英]Populate dropdown field, Gravity forms

I'm using gravity forms with Gravitywiz nested forms.我正在使用重力 forms 和 Gravitywiz 嵌套 forms。 I have a parent form with two child forms in it.我有一个父表单,里面有两个子 forms。 I need to populate a dropdown of the second child form based on the user's inputs in the first child form.我需要根据用户在第一个子表单中的输入来填充第二个子表单的下拉列表。 The issue is the second form dropdown will not be automatically updated, and I need to refresh the page to see new entries.问题是第二个表单下拉列表不会自动更新,我需要刷新页面才能看到新条目。

This comes from the Gravity Wiz folks:这来自 Gravity Wiz 的人们:

"You can use Populate Anything and the Temporary Parent Entry ID for this. “您可以为此使用填充任何内容和临时父条目 ID。

Here's a video demo of how to set it up and how it would work.这是有关如何设置以及如何工作的视频演示。 https://www.loom.com/share/dff30eec9a174f20ba120ab11280b132 https://www.loom.com/share/dff30eec9a174f20ba120ab11280b132

Here's a link to the snippet: https://github.com/gravitywiz/snippet-library/blob/master/gp-nested-forms/gpnf-populate-parent-entry-id.php "这是片段的链接: https://github.com/gravitywiz/snippet-library/blob/master/gp-nested-forms/gpnf-populate-parent-entry-id.php

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