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EmEditor Javascript 何时从 ES5.1 更新?

[英]When will EmEditor Javascript be updated from ES5.1?

EmEditor macro's are still based on JavaScript 5.1, which is (in 2022) ten years old and seven versions behind. EmEditor 宏仍然基于 JavaScript 5.1,这是(2022 年)十年前的七个版本。

Many modern methods and functions are missing and it is hard to find good documentation (other than the official ECMA-262 5.1 edition, June 2011 archive).缺少许多现代方法和功能,并且很难找到好的文档(官方ECMA-262 5.1 版,2011 年 6 月存档除外)。

I am wasting a lot of time trying to find out what works and what doesn't work in EmEditor macro's.我浪费了很多时间试图找出在 EmEditor 宏中哪些有效,哪些无效。

Will EmEditor JavaScript ever be updated? EmEditor JavaScript 会更新吗?

EmEditor 22.0.905 or later supports modern JavaScript using the V8 JavaScript engine . EmEditor 22.0.905 or later支持使用V8 JavaScript 引擎现代 JavaScript Please select Customize on the Macros menu, select the Option page of Customize Macros dialog box, and set the Use V8 as JavaScript engine option.请在Macros菜单中select Customize ,select在Customize Macros对话框的Option页面,设置Use V8 as JavaScript engine选项。

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