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[英]How to specify a channel to set permissions?

So I have a discord bot and I would like to add a ticketing system.所以我有一个 discord 机器人,我想添加一个票务系统。 I have the ticketing system I am just making a button for it.我有票务系统,我只是为它制作一个按钮。 when you click the button it will allow you to talk on the channel.当您单击按钮时,它将允许您在频道上讲话。 I can do await interaction.channel.set_permissions(N/A) but the channel function sets the channel to the one it was sent from, I need to specify the channel.我可以做await interaction.channel.set_permissions(N/A)channel function 将通道设置为发送的通道,我需要指定通道。 how can I do that?我怎样才能做到这一点?

To get a channel object for your specific channel you can do the following:要为您的特定频道获取频道 object,您可以执行以下操作:


Your bot may be named differently (maybe client or something else), so just change this to whatever you need.您的机器人可能会以不同的方式命名(可能是客户端或其他名称),因此只需将其更改为您需要的任何名称。 Ex: something.get_channel()

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