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combobox 中的 CellClick DataGridView 没有出现在 vb.net 中

[英]The CellClick DataGridView in the combobox does not appear in the vb.net

The CellClick DataGridView in the combobox does not appear in the vb.net. combobox 中的 CellClick DataGridView 不会出现在 vb.net 中。

is there something wrong in my code?我的代码有问题吗? I updated the code from me so that the answer can be adjusted in the code because I am still confused with the answer我更新了我的代码,以便可以在代码中调整答案,因为我仍然对答案感到困惑


'load database to datatable then to datagridview
 Private Sub LoadData(Optional ByVal keyword As String = "")

        Sql = "SELECT Auto_ID, First_Name, Last_Name, [First_Name] + ' ' + [Last_Name] AS Full_Name, Gender FROM TBL_SMART_CRUD " &
              "WHERE [First_Name] + ' ' + [Last_Name] LIKE @keyword1 OR Gender = @keyword2 ORDER BY Auto_ID ASC"

        Dim dt As DataTable = PerformCRUD(Cmd)
'update binding source
        BindingSource1.DataSource = dt
        With DataGridView1
            .MultiSelect = False
            .SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect
            .AutoGenerateColumns = True
'update binding source
            .DataSource = BindingSource1
            .Columns(0).HeaderText = "ID"
            .Columns(1).HeaderText = "First Name"
            .Columns(2).HeaderText = "Last Name"
            .Columns(3).HeaderText = "Full Name"
            .Columns(4).HeaderText = "Gender"
        End With
    End Sub
'module AccessDb_Connection.vb
Public Function PerformCRUD(ByVal Com As OleDbCommand) As DataTable
        Dim da As OleDbDataAdapter
        Dim dt As New DataTable()
            da = New OleDbDataAdapter
            da.SelectCommand = Com
            Return dt
        Catch ex As Exception
            MessageBox.Show("An error occurred: " & ex.Message, "Perform CRUD OPERATIONS Failed. : Tutorial",
                 MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
            dt = Nothing
        End Try
        Return dt
    End Function
 Private Sub DataGridView1_CellClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellClick

        Dim dgv As DataGridView = DataGridView1

        If e.RowIndex <> -1 Then

            IDTextBox.Text = Convert.ToString(dgv.CurrentRow.Cells(0).Value).Trim()
            UpdateButton.Text = "UPDATE (" & Me.ID & ")"
            DeleteButton.Text = "DELETE (" & Me.ID & ")"
            FirstNameTextBox.Text = Convert.ToString(dgv.CurrentRow.Cells(1).Value).Trim()
            LastNameTextBox.Text = Convert.ToString(dgv.CurrentRow.Cells(2).Value).Trim()

            GenderComboBox.SelectedItem = Convert.ToString(dgv.CurrentRow.Cells(4).Value).Trim()

        End If

    End Sub

String collection editor cellclick字符串集合编辑器cellclick

It appears that you are retrieving data from a database into a DataTable and binding that to the DataGridView .您似乎正在将数据从数据库检索到DataTable并将其绑定到DataGridView In that case, you should bind that same DataTable to the individual controls.在这种情况下,您应该将同一个DataTable绑定到各个控件。 That way, selecting a row in the grid will automatically load that same row into the individual controls.这样,在网格中选择一行将自动将同一行加载到各个控件中。 You should also add a BindingSource to your form and bind through that, if you aren't already.如果您还没有,您还应该将BindingSource添加到您的表单并通过它进行绑定。 Eg例如

thingBindingSource.DataSource = thingDataTable
thingDataGridView.DataSource = thingBindingSource
stuffTextBox.DataBindings.Add("Text", thingBindingSource, "Stuff")

When you add a binding to a control, the first argument is the name of the control property and the last is the name of the source column/property.将绑定添加到控件时,第一个参数是控件属性的名称,最后一个参数是源列/属性的名称。 In the case of a ComboBox , you would normally bind data from another table and display a name/description and hide the ID, then have the ID populate a foreign key column in the other table.ComboBox的情况下,您通常会绑定来自另一个表的数据并显示名称/描述并隐藏 ID,然后让 ID 填充另一个表中的外键列。 That might look like this:这可能看起来像这样:

With otherStuffComboBox
    .DisplayMember = "Name"
    .ValueMember = "ID"
    .DataSource = referenceListDataTable
    .DataBindings.Add("SelectedValue", thingBindingSource, "ForeignKeyColumn")
End With

It sounds like you're not doing that though.听起来你没有这样做。 It sounds like you just have a list of Strings in the ComboBox and they are populating the other table directly.听起来您在ComboBox中只有一个Strings列表,它们直接填充另一个表。 In that case, you can bind to the SelectedItem rather than the SelectedValue .在这种情况下,您可以绑定到SelectedItem而不是SelectedValue

By the way, if you want to save changes to the database, you should be saving all the changes from the DataTable using the same data adapter that you used to populate it in the first place.顺便说一句,如果您想保存对数据库的更改,您应该使用最初用于填充数据表的相同数据适配器保存DataTable中的所有更改。 Each time you edit a row, those changes are stored in the DataTable .每次编辑一行时,这些更改都会存储在DataTable You can navigate around and edit as many rows as you like and all changes are stored.您可以随意浏览和编辑任意数量的行,所有更改都会被存储。 To delete, you call RemoveCurrent on the BindingSource and that change is stored too.要删除,您可以在BindingSource上调用RemoveCurrent ,并且该更改也会被存储。 You can then call Update on a data adapter to save all the changes in a batch.然后,您可以在数据适配器上调用Update以批量保存所有更改。

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