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从带有 Bitnami Wordpress 的 AWS EC2 服务器中的新数据库目录开始

[英]Starting with a fresh DB directory in an AWS EC2 server with Bitnami Wordpress

I have set up an ec2 server on AWS & installed the Bitnami Wordpress package on it since it comes with many software (Apache, PHP, MySQL) that I want to use for developing my app.我已经在 AWS 上设置了一个 ec2 服务器并安装了 Bitnami Wordpress package,因为它附带了许多软件(Apache、PHP、MySQL),我想使用它来开发我的应用程序。

Currently, the DB directory on phpMyAdmin looks like this:目前,phpMyAdmin 上的 DB 目录如下所示:

phpMyAdmin snapshot phpMyAdmin 快照

What I would like to do is have only my DB at the top level with sub-DBs underneath it at this directory level.我想要做的是只有我的数据库在顶层,在这个目录级别下面有子数据库。 I would like to avoid uninstalling the Bitnami package & installing MySQL, PHP & Apache separately (project preference).我想避免卸载 Bitnami package 并分别安装 MySQL、PHP 和 ZE9713AE034A02A820D746(偏好)。 Is there any way for me to accomplish this?我有什么办法可以做到这一点吗?

I have tried to find articles online that solve this issue but have not found anything particularly relevant to my situation.我试图在网上找到解决这个问题的文章,但没有发现任何与我的情况特别相关的东西。

I am not sure if it works, but you can do this.我不确定它是否有效,但你可以这样做。 First export your WordPress database to SQL file to your local machine Then you should install all the components manually, including PHPMyAdmin, since you are using ec2 it will be easy to install with commands.首先将您的 WordPress 数据库导出到 SQL 文件到您的本地计算机然后您应该手动安装所有组件,包括 PHPMyAdmin,因为您使用 ec2 命令安装它很容易。 after all the installation import the SQL file and you will be able to access the WordPress app安装完成后导入 SQL 文件,您将能够访问 WordPress 应用程序

hope it helps希望能帮助到你

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