[英]How to run TOP cmd in parallel while running other command in a script?
I have some sync bash command.我有一些同步 bash 命令。 What I want is run TOP cmd while running a command to see a performance of a system while executing the command.我想要的是在运行命令时运行 TOP cmd 以查看系统在执行命令时的性能。 Obviously this 2 cmnds should be running in parallel and both finishing when sync is done:显然,这 2 cmnds 应该并行运行,并且在同步完成时都完成:
(top -b | grep init >> top-output.txt; // this is top command (maybe need to be changed)
$JFROG rt dl $src --insecure-tls=true --flat=true --retries=6 --threads=14 --sync-deletes=true --quiet // this is sync command it works good
now how to combine them to run in parallel and log top command.现在如何将它们结合起来并行运行并记录 top 命令。
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