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Azure Logic App Post自适应卡并等待响应

[英]Azure Logic App Post adaptive card and wait for response

I'm trying to grab the input text from a Teams Adaptive Card and use that in my logic app.我正在尝试从 Teams Adaptive Card 中获取输入文本并在我的逻辑应用程序中使用它。 Currently the response is not recorded in the logic app.当前,响应未记录在逻辑应用中。

Any help would be appreciated!任何帮助,将不胜感激!

    "$schema": "http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json",
    "actions": [
            "id": "Yes",
            "title": "Create Ticket",
            "type": "Action.Submit"
            "style": "positive",
            "title": "View in SentinelOne Portal",
            "type": "Action.OpenUrl",
            "url": "@{replace(outputs('URL'), '[', '')}"
    "body": [
            "size": "Large",
            "text": "@{triggerBody()?['subject']}",
            "type": "TextBlock",
            "wrap": true
            "items": [
                    "text": "@{outputs('Compose_9')}",
                    "type": "TextBlock",
                    "wrap": true
            "type": "Container"
            "type": "TextBlock",
            "text": "Ticket Info",
            "wrap": true
    "msteams": {
        "width": "Full"
    "type": "AdaptiveCard",
    "version": "1.5",
    "verticalContentAlignment": "Top"

Thanks, Jeremy谢谢,杰里米

Managed to resolve this myself, the output of 'Post adaptive card and wait for response' doesn't give any output options so you have to format it yourself自己设法解决了这个问题,'Post adaptive card and wait for response'的output没有给出任何output选项所以你必须自己格式化

Parse json, enter input in the expression field: @Outputs('adaptivecardname')?[body]解析json,在表达式字段输入:@Outputs('adaptivecardname')?[body]

There are two similar actions to send an Adaptive Card in Power Automated - "Post adaptive card in a chat or a channel" and also "Post adaptive card and wait for a response".在 Power Automated 中有两个类似的发送自适应卡片的操作——“在聊天或频道中发布自适应卡片”和“发布自适应卡片并等待响应”。 You need to use the 2nd one if you expect a response from the card.如果您希望收到卡片的回复,则需要使用第二个。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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