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哪个更适合用于 API 调用 Dispatcher.IO 或 Dispatcher.Main?

[英]Which is better to use for API calls Dispatcher.IO or Dispatcher.Main?

Hei, I am using a MVVM archetectural patern in my android application.嘿,我在我的 android 应用程序中使用了 MVVM 架构模式。 I wanted to have api calls from my Viewmodel using coroutinescope.lauch{} Do I need to specify the Dispatcher as Dispatcher.IO as it will be exicuted in a IO thread or just use the Dispathcer provided by the viewmodel which is Dispatcher.Main我想使用coroutinescope.lauch{}我是否需要将 Dispatcher 指定为Dispatcher.IO ,因为它将在 IO 线程中执行,或者只使用 Dispatcher.Main 视图模型提供的Dispatcher.Main

There is an extension property on ViewModel class, called viewModelScope which works on Dispatcher.Main context by default. ViewModel class 上有一个名为viewModelScope的扩展属性,它默认在Dispatcher.Main上下文中工作。 You can use it to call your api functions if they are suspend , eg:你可以用它来调用你的 api 函数,如果它们是suspend的话,例如:

viewModelScope.launch {
    // do other stuff

suspend fun apiFunction() { ... }

It is OK to call suspend functions on Dispatchers.Main context, they will suspend a coroutine but not block the Main Thread .可以在Dispatchers.Main上下文中调用suspend函数,它们将挂起协程但不会阻塞Main Thread

If your API functions are not suspend you can convert them to suspend functions by switching context to Dispatchers.IO using withContext() function. Or if API functions use callbacks you can consider using suspendCoroutine or suspendCancellableCoroutine .如果您的 API 函数未suspend ,您可以通过使用withContext() function 将上下文切换到Dispatchers.IO将它们转换为suspend函数。或者如果 API 函数使用回调,您可以考虑使用suspendCoroutinesuspendCancellableCoroutine Example of using withContext :使用withContext的示例:

viewModelScope.launch {
    // do other stuff

suspend fun apiSuspendFunction() = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { 

fun apiNonSuspendFunction() { ... }

For api call Dispatcher.IO is better对于 api 调用 Dispatcher.IO 更好

for more info了解更多信息

https://proandroiddev.com/kotlin-coroutines-in-android-summary-1ed3048f11c3 https://proandroiddev.com/kotlin-coroutines-in-android-summary-1ed3048f11c3


And in your case you use mvvm so more better to use ViewModelScope在你的情况下你使用 mvvm 所以更好地使用 ViewModelScope

    viewModelScope.launch { 
        // operation

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