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[英]How to use JQ to merge corresponding elements of two arrays

I have two arrays with the same amount of elements but with different keys/values.我有两个 arrays 具有相同数量的元素但具有不同的键/值。 I want to integrate the key/value of the second array into the first for each index/position.我想将第二个数组的键/值集成到每个索引/位置的第一个数组中。


      "name": "xxx",
      "url": "yyy",
      "thumbnail": "nnn"
      "name": "bla bla",
      "url": "some-url",
      "thumbnail": "another-pic"


        "spotifyUrl": "first-spotify-url"
        "spotifyUrl": "second-spotify-url"

The result I would like to achieve:我想达到的结果:

      "name": "xxx",
      "url": "yyy",
      "thumbnail": "nnn",
      "spotifyUrl": "first-spotify-url"
      "name": "bla bla",
      "url": "some-url",
      "thumbnail": "another-pic",
      "spotifyUrl": "second-spotify-url"

I already tried different things but couldn't find the result I wanted.我已经尝试过不同的东西,但找不到我想要的结果。 For example this one here:例如这里的这个:

jq -n '
  (input | map_values([.])) as $one
  | input as $two
  | reduce ($two|keys_unsorted[]) as $k2 ( $one;
      .[$k2] += [$two[$k2]] )
' 1.json 2.json

is almost what I want, except that the spotify-url is nested into its own object and looks like this:几乎是我想要的,除了 spotify-url 嵌套在它自己的 object 中,看起来像这样:

      "name": "xxx",
      "url": "yyy",
      "thumbnail": "nnn"
      "spotifyUrl": "first-spotify-url"

I appreciate any help and bet it's a lot simpler than I can think of.我感谢任何帮助,并打赌它比我想象的要简单得多。 Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

It's easier than that.这比那容易。

jq -s 'transpose | map(add)' 1.json 2.json

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