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[英]how to display a list of report-bots that are available to me

I used to use "iter_dialogs" to get a list of available chats.我曾经使用“iter_dialogs”来获取可用聊天列表。 But this method has stopped working.但是这个方法已经失效了。 Can you suggest an alternative?你能建议一个替代方案吗? And is it possible to get a list of report-bots to write to them later?是否有可能获得一份报告机器人列表,稍后再写给他们? I will be very glad of any help.我会很高兴有任何帮助。

iter_dialogs() doesn't work anymore, as it has been replaced by get_dialogs() . iter_dialogs()不再起作用,因为它已被get_dialogs()取代。 See Pyrogram's Release Notes for v2 :请参阅 Pyrogram 的v2 发行说明

Iter_ methods have been removed: * This means there is now only one way of iterating through items by using the respective get_* methods which are all turned into generators. Iter_方法已被删除: * 这意味着现在只有一种方法可以通过使用各自的 get_* 方法迭代项目,这些方法都变成了生成器。 Some of the methods have been renamed as well:一些方法也已重命名:

  • iter_history becomes get_chat_history() . iter_history变为get_chat_history()
  • iter_chat_members becomes get_chat_members() . iter_chat_members变成get_chat_members()
  • iter_dialogs becomes get_dialogs() . iter_dialogs变为get_dialogs()
  • iter_profile_photos becomes get_chat_photos() . iter_profile_photos变为get_chat_photos()

As for your second question about report bots, I have no idea what you're talking about there.至于你关于报告机器人的第二个问题,我不知道你在说什么。 You might want to edit your question to add more detail.您可能想要编辑您的问题以添加更多详细信息。

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