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不同 OU 中的不同壁纸

[英]Different wallpapers in different OU's

I am trying to deploy different wallpapers (or different settings) in two different OU's.我正在尝试在两个不同的 OU 中部署不同的壁纸(或不同的设置)。 I have completed alla the prerequisites for the shared folder etc etc. (nothing) I have linked seperately the gpo's to the OU i want to deploy the wallpaper.我已经完成了所有共享文件夹等的先决条件。(无)我已经将 gpo 单独链接到我要部署壁纸的 OU。 (nothing) I tried via security filtering on every GPO. (无)我尝试通过每个 GPO 上的安全过滤。 (nothing) I also tried to block inheritance. (nothing) I also tried to link all GPO's to the root of the forest (nothing) Please note that if i disable a link on the root of the forest, it works. (无)我还尝试阻止 inheritance。(无)我还尝试将所有 GPO 链接到林的根(无)请注意,如果我禁用林根上的链接,它会起作用。 but together in separate Ou's nothing is working.但在单独的 Ou 中没有任何工作。 But i am stuck.但我被困住了。 I have setup a windows server 2019 with AD DS role and DNS server.我已经设置了具有 AD DS 角色的 windows 服务器 2019 和 DNS 服务器。 i have static IP on all my laptops and desktops.我所有的笔记本电脑和台式机上都有 static IP。

In my use case before we're always Deploy Desktop Background Wallpaper using Group Policy for single OU only, and We're adding all computer's to this OU, to applied the GPO wallpaper.在我的用例中,我们始终只使用单个 OU 的组策略部署桌面背景墙纸,并且我们将所有计算机添加到此 OU,以应用 GPO 墙纸。

I suggest if you have a multiple OU's, create a GPO wallpaper per OU, and also you can review this document link我建议如果您有多个 OU,请为每个 OU 创建一个 GPO 墙纸,您也可以查看此文档链接

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