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从另一个活动返回时,StateFlow 不会触发 Loading()

[英]StateFlow not Trigger Loading() when back from another activity


Example I have 2 activities, Activity Menu and Activity Detail .示例我有 2 个活动, Activity MenuActivity Detail Flow system is, I go to Activity Menu , click a button to Activity Detail .流程系统是,我go到Activity Menu ,点击一个按钮到Activity Detail I updated the data from Activity Detail .我更新了Activity Detail中的数据。 When press Back Button at the phone, only Resource Success trigger, not the Resource Loading .当在手机上按下返回键时,只会触发Resource Success ,不会触发Resource Loading

Codes Relevant代码相关

Resource class资源 class

sealed class Resource<T>(
    val data: T? = null,
    val message: String? = null,
    val messageInt: Int? = null,
    val code: Int? = null,
    val errorReader: Reader? = null,
) {
    class Initialize<T> : Resource<T>()
    class Loading<T>(data: T? = null) : Resource<T>(data)
    class Success<T>(data: T?) : Resource<T>(data)
    class Error<T>(
        message: String? = null,
        messageInt: Int? = null,
        data: T? = null,
        code: Int? = null,
        errorReader: Reader? = null
    ) :
        Resource<T>(data, message, messageInt, code, errorReader)

At ViewModel在 ViewModel

private val _itemList = MutableStateFlow<Resource<Int>>(Resource.Initialize())
val itemList: StateFlow<Resource<Int>> = _itemList

init {
    viewModelScope.launch {

suspend fun getItemList() = viewModelScope.launch {

    val data = withContext(ioDispatcher + coroutineExceptionHandler) {
        return@withContext quickSave.getInt(Constant.BROKEN_TOTE_LIST_COUNT, 0)
    //Only this Success trigger for 2nd time
    _itemList.emit(Resource.Success(data = data))

At the Activity活动现场

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    binding = ActivityToteBrokenBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
    val root = binding.root


private fun startLifeCycle() {
    lifecycleScope.launch {
        lifecycle.repeatOnLifecycle(Lifecycle.State.STARTED) {
            launch {

private suspend fun collectItemList() {
    viewModel.itemList.collectLatest {
        when (it) {
            is Resource.Initialize -> {
            is Resource.Loading -> {
                Log.i("???","Resource Loading")
            is Resource.Success -> {
                Log.i("???","Resource Success")
            is Resource.Error -> {

Here is the Output这是Output

---------------------------- PROCESS STARTED (30051) for package com.company.com ----------------------------
2022-09-29 12:21:51.977 30051-30051 ???                     com.company.com                 I  Resource Loading
2022-09-29 12:21:52.137 30051-30051 ???                     com.company.com                 I  Resource Success
2022-09-29 12:22:10.839 30051-30051 ???                     com.company.com                 I  Resource Success

The Output not trigger Resource Loading . Output 没有触发Resource Loading How to make it trigger again every time I back from the Activity Detail ?每次我从Activity Detail返回时如何让它再次触发?

First as in your getItemList() method you are already using viewModelScope.launch , you can remove the suspend modifier from it.首先,在您已经在使用viewModelScope.launchgetItemList()方法中,您可以从中删除suspend修饰符。

The 2nd time success is not getting triggered from your view model function but because you are using lifecycle.repeatOnLifecycle(Lifecycle.State.STARTED) hence the flow is getting collected again after coming back to the activity.第二次成功不是从您的视图 model function 中触发,而是因为您正在使用lifecycle.repeatOnLifecycle(Lifecycle.State.STARTED)因此在返回活动后再次收集流程。

So in your menu activity you can override onResume method, and in that you can call the view model function getItemList() , which will then emit in your expected sequence.因此,在您的菜单活动中,您可以override onResume方法,并且您可以调用视图 model function getItemList() ,然后它将按您预期的顺序发出。

Only drawback is that it will get trigger on every onResume, even when Lock/Unlock happens or you are returning to the app from background.唯一的缺点是它会在每次 onResume 时触发,即使发生锁定/解锁或您从后台返回应用程序时也是如此。


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