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Slim 框架:匹配以特定字符串开头的路由

[英]Slim framework: match routes starting with certain string

Using Slim framework V2.6.3, is it possible to define a single route which captures all routes starting with certain string ?使用 Slim 框架 V2.6.3,是否可以定义一个路由来捕获以特定字符串开头的所有路由

For example, I'd like to capture routes starting with apple-touch-icon , like these:例如,我想捕获以apple-touch-icon开头的路由,如下所示:

Thanks in advance提前致谢

In Slim 2, you can define route conditions:在 Slim 2 中,你可以定义路由条件:

https://www.slimframework.com/docs/v2/routing/conditions.html https://www.slimframework.com/docs/v2/routing/conditions.html

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