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将字节数组从 c++ DLL 传递到 c# 客户端时的随机结果

[英]Random results when passing byte array from c++ DLL to c# client

I am passing a byte array from a function inside c++ DLL to a c# client.我正在将字节数组从 function 内部的 c++ DLL 传递到 c# 客户端。 I am using a widely suggested method IntPtr pointer in C# and then Marshal.Copy to create byte array in the C# client.我在 C# 中使用广泛推荐的 IntPtr 指针方法,然后在 C# 客户端中使用 Marshal.Copy 创建字节数组。 When I read the resulting array it seem I am getting random values.当我读取结果数组时,我似乎得到了随机值。 No actual values from the DLL are passed.没有传递 DLL 中的实际值。

It seems the IntPnt is pointing at some random memory address?似乎 IntPnt 指向某个随机的 memory 地址?

Here is the code:这是代码:


extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) char*  __stdcall passBytes() {
    cout << "\n passBytes DLL code START \n";

    char bytes[] = { 0x07, 0x08 };
    cout << "bytes array size: " << sizeof(bytes) << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(bytes); i++) {
        cout << "byte " << i << " = " << (int)bytes[i] << endl;
    char* bptr = bytes;
    cout << "\n passBytes DLL code END \n";

    return bptr;

C# client C# 客户

namespace sc_client
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            const string libname = "C:/work/x64/Release/libMxN.dll";

            static extern IntPtr passBytes();
            IntPtr ptr = passBytes();
            byte[] cbytes = new byte[2];
            Marshal.Copy(ptr, cbytes, 0, 2);

            Console.WriteLine("C# client output: ");
            for ( int i = 0; i < cbytes.Length; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("client byte " + i + " = " + (int)cbytes[i]);

Outputs ( just relaunched the app 4 times without any modifications in the code) 1. passBytes DLL code START bytes array size: 2 byte 0 = 7 byte 1 = 8输出(只是重新启动应用程序 4 次,没有对代码进行任何修改) 1. passBytes DLL code START bytes array size: 2 byte 0 = 7 byte 1 = 8

passBytes DLL code END passBytes DLL 代码结束

C# client output: client byte 0 = 176 client byte 1 = 232 C# 客户端 output:客户端字节 0 = 176 客户端字节 1 = 232

2. passBytes DLL code START bytes array size: 2 byte 0 = 7 byte 1 = 8 2. passBytes DLL code START字节数组大小:2 byte 0 = 7 byte 1 = 8

passBytes DLL code END C# client output: client byte 0 = 144 client byte 1 = 232 passBytes DLL code END C# client output: client byte 0 = 144 client byte 1 = 232

3. passBytes DLL code START bytes array size: 2 byte 0 = 7 byte 1 = 8 3. passBytes DLL code START字节数组大小:2 byte 0 = 7 byte 1 = 8

passBytes DLL code END C# client output: client byte 0 = 176 client byte 1 = 228 passBytes DLL code END C# client output: client byte 0 = 176 client byte 1 = 228

Your primary issue appears to be that the char* array is declared locally, and disappears as soon as the function finishes.您的主要问题似乎是char*数组是在本地声明的,并且在 function 完成后立即消失。 One way to do this properly is to allocate it on the heap, and make a separate Free function.正确执行此操作的一种方法是在堆上分配它,并创建一个单独的Free function。

But you are far better off just passing in a buffer.但是你最好只是传递一个缓冲区。 I'm not familiar with C++ very much, but something like this would be your function我不太熟悉 C++,但像这样的东西就是你的 function

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void  __stdcall passBytes(char* bytes, int size) {

And then in C# you use it like this然后在 C# 你像这样使用它

const string libname = "C:/work/x64/Release/libMxN.dll";

static extern void passBytes([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 1)][Out] byte[] bytes, int size);

static void Main(string[] args)
    byte[] cbytes = new byte[2];
    passBytes(cbytes, cbytes.Length);

    Console.WriteLine("C# client output: ");
    for ( int i = 0; i < cbytes.Length; i++)
        Console.WriteLine("client byte " + i + " = " + (int)cbytes[i]);

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