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如何使用 JSoup 更改 HTML 表中单元格的颜色?

[英]How to change color of a cell in HTML table using JSoup?

I need to parse a table using Java and Jsoup and change the color of the cell based on it's value.我需要使用 Java 和 Jsoup 解析一个表,并根据它的值更改单元格的颜色。 This is what the html table looks like and it is how the color of the cell needs to be defined这就是 html 表的样子,也是需要定义单元格颜色的方式

 <td colspan="1">Test1</td>
 <td colspan="1">JD</td>
 <td colspan="1">N</td>
 <td colspan="1">A</td>
 <td class="highlight-#fff0b3" title="Background color : Light yellow 100%" data-highlight-colour="#fff0b3">COLOR YELLOW</td>
 <td class="highlight-#fff0b3" title="Background color : Light yellow 100%" data-highlight-colour="#fff0b3">YELL</td>
 <td class="highlight-#fff0b3" title="Background color : Light yellow 100%" data-highlight-colour="#fff0b3">N/A</td>
 <td class="highlight-#fff0b3" title="Background color : Light yellow 100%" data-highlight-colour="#fff0b3">N/A</td>

I wrote a script that can ready the value of a cell and change the text from it, however I am unable to also change the color我写了一个脚本,可以准备一个单元格的值并从中更改文本,但是我无法同时更改颜色

Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
Elements rows = doc.getElementsByTag("tr");
    String status = "Pass"
    for(Element row : rows) {
            String Column1 = row.getElementsByTag("td").get(0).text();
            if(Column1 == "MyValue"){
                if(status == "Pass"){ // Everything below doesn't work
                    row.getElementsByTag("td").get(1).title("Background color : Medium green 65%"); 
                    row.getElementsByTag("td").get(2).title("Background color : Medium green 65%"); 
                    row.getElementsByTag("td").get(3).title("Background color : Medium green 65%"); 
                } else if(status == "Fail"){
                    row.getElementsByTag("td").get(1).title("Background color : Medium red 85%"); 
                    row.getElementsByTag("td").get(2).title("Background color : Medium red 85%"); 
                    row.getElementsByTag("td").get(3).title("Background color : Medium red 85%"); 
                } else{

This is the error I am getting:这是我得到的错误:

No signature of method: org.jsoup.nodes.Element.class() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [highlight-#57d9a3]
10:44:33  Possible solutions: clone(), clone(), addClass(java.lang.String), hasClass(java.lang.String), val(java.lang.String), getClass()

row.getElementsByTag("td").get(1) returns an Element , which doesn't have a class method. row.getElementsByTag("td").get(1)返回一个Element ,它没有class方法。

Though, it has a classNames method, and that accepts a Set<String> as a parameter (even if you just need to pass a single class).但是,它有一个classNames方法,并且接受一个Set<String>作为参数(即使您只需要传递一个类)。

So you can do something like所以你可以做类似的事情


And so on.等等。

Aside from that compilation error, if(status == "Pass") is not how you compare strings in java .除了那个编译错误, if(status == "Pass") 不是你在 java 中比较字符串的方式 You need to do something like if("Pass".equals(status)) .您需要执行类似if("Pass".equals(status))的操作。

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