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When using function module WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE_2 , the delivery note is being printed even though we cleared the printer, copies and also the 'Print inmediately' check in tx NACE for message LD00 for a selected shipping point.使用 function 模块WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE_2时,即使我们清除了打印机、副本以及“立即打印”检查 tx NACE 中选定装运点的消息 LD00,也正在打印送货单。

The configuration works for VL02N but it doesn't in our Z program where we manage some delivery notes.该配置适用于 VL02N,但不适用于我们管理一些交货单的 Z 程序。

This is the code:这是代码:

  call function 'WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE_2'
      vbkok_wa               = vbkok_wa
      commit                 = 'X'
      delivery               = lv_vbeln
      update_picking         = 'X'
      nicht_sperren_1        = 'Y'
      if_database_update_1   = '1'
      if_error_messages_send = ' '
      vbpok_tab              = vbpok_tab.

Ok, checking the import parameters of the function I can see NO_MESSAGES_UPDATE_1 which, I can relate or imagine what could do but, has anybody tried this parameter?好的,检查 function 的导入参数我可以看到NO_MESSAGES_UPDATE_1 ,我可以联系或想象可以做什么但是,有人试过这个参数吗?

Will this parameter avoid the printing of the message?这个参数会避免消息的打印吗?

Well, tried the parameter NO_MESSAGES_UPDATE_1 but didn't work.好吧,尝试了参数NO_MESSAGES_UPDATE_1但没有用。

We managed to literally delete the record in NACE for the shipping point and that made it.我们设法从字面上删除了NACE中的装运点记录,并且成功了。

Originally we just cleared the printer, the copies and the 'Print immediately' check.最初我们只是清除了打印机、复印件和“立即打印”支票。

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