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Android Studio SQLITE 如果我在 sqlhelper class 中添加删除数据库 function,数据库是只读的

[英]Android Studio SQLITE Database is read only if I add drop database function in sqlhelper class

adding drop database function in my dbhelper class gives me error of database read only, I might try deleting the required tables but I would like to know what I am doing wrong here, I tried removing the drop function and its working after that在我的 dbhelper class 中添加 drop database class 给我错误的数据库只读,我可能会尝试删除所需的表,但我想知道我在这里做错了什么,我尝试删除 drop function 及其之后的工作

here is the error message: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteReadOnlyDatabaseException: attempt to write a readonly database (code 1032 SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED[1032])这是错误消息:android.database.sqlite.SQLiteReadOnlyDatabaseException:尝试写入只读数据库(代码 1032 SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED [1032])

public class logdb extends SQLiteOpenHelper{
Context c;
SQLiteDatabase db=this.getWritableDatabase();
public logdb(@Nullable Context context)
    super(context, "login.db", null, 1);
    this.c = context;
        String st = "create table if not exists user(email text,password text,username text)";
    catch(Exception e){

public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {}

public void createuser()
        String st = "create table if not exists user(email text,password text,username text)";
    catch(Exception e)

public String drop(){
           //adding this line is turning the database into read only

    catch(Exception e )
    return " No here error ";

public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int i, int i1) {}

public void oninsert(ContentValues cv)
        db.execSQL("insert into user values('"+cv.get("email")+"','"+cv.get("password")+"','"+cv.get("username")+"')");
    catch(Exception e)

public String getusername(){
    Cursor c = db.rawQuery("select * from user",null);

        return c.getString(2);
    return c.getString(2);

} }

You are deleting the database (the file) from within the helper, when it has been opened by the helper ( SQLiteDatabase db=this.getWritableDatabase(); force an open of the file).当帮助程序打开数据库( SQLiteDatabase db=this.getWritableDatabase();强制打开文件)时,您正在从帮助程序中删除数据库(文件)。

Thus the file that it opened no longer exists.因此它打开的文件不再存在。 It is very unlikely that you need to delete the database, rather delete ( DROP ) the tables and then call the onCreate Method.您不太可能需要删除数据库,而是删除 ( DROP ) 表然后调用onCreate方法。

However, the typical method of managing changes to the schema is via the onUpdate method (at least for ditributed/publish Apps).但是,管理架构更改的典型方法是通过onUpdate方法(至少对于分布式/发布应用程序)。 This method is called when the version number (4th parameter of the Super call) is increased.当版本号(Super 调用的第 4 个参数)增加时调用此方法。

If developing the App, then you may as well just uninstall the App (which deletes the database file) and then rerun.如果开发应用程序,那么您也可以直接卸载应用程序(删除数据库文件),然后重新运行。

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