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Vue3 Pouchdb 示例

[英]Vue3 Pouchdb example

I try to get Vue3 and Pouchdb working.我尝试让 Vue3 和 Pouchdb 工作。 There are many examples for Vue2 with pouchdb but there is simple no example for Vue3. Vue2 和 pouchdb 有很多示例,但 Vue3 没有简单的示例。

All my attempts to adapt some of the code for Vue2 did not lead to working code.我为 Vue2 改编一些代码的所有尝试都没有导致工作代码。 Why is there nothing about Vue3 and pouchdb?为什么Vue3和pouchdb什么都没有? What do I miss?我想念什么?

I also don't know.. but what I've noticed is the pouchdb- tools out there are all old and unmaintained.我也不知道.. 但我注意到的是 pouchdb- 那里的工具都陈旧且无人维护。

I did find - https://dev.to/craftzdog/a-performant-way-to-use-pouchdb7-on-react-native-in-2022-24ej我确实找到了 - https://dev.to/craftzdog/a-performant-way-to-use-pouchdb7-on-react-native-in-2022-24ej

I'm planning to fire up a vue app and see if following - https://pouchdb.com/guides/databases.html works..我打算启动一个 vue 应用程序,看看是否遵循 - https://pouchdb.com/guides/databases.html工作..

I would be keen to see Vue 3 and pouchdb working.我很想看到 Vue 3 和 pouchdb 工作。 I am starting a new project to try and build out some best practice I am using Pinia as well.我正在开始一个新项目,尝试建立一些我也在使用 Pinia 的最佳实践。 At the moment even importing is not working目前甚至导入都不起作用

https://git.soton.ac.uk/adam-procter/dons2023 https://git.soton.ac.uk/adam-procter/dons2023

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