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Excel VBA 选择多列中具有特定值的所有行

[英]Excel VBA Selecting all Rows with specific values in multiple columns

Hello I have a table with 1000 rows and 25 columns A through Y. I am trying to create a macro that will select ALL rows in the table which MUST contain a "0" in the "I" column AND a "2" in the "R" column.你好,我有一个包含 1000 行和 25 列 A 到 Y 的表。我正在尝试创建一个宏,它将 select 表中的所有行必须包含“I”列中的“0”和“I”列中的“2” “R”列。

I would then like to get the data from the NEXT ROW UP from the selected rows in the first part of the macro.然后我想从宏第一部分的选定行中获取 NEXT ROW UP 的数据。 IF the value in columns "I" is ABOVE 0, sum up how many times and if the value is BELOW 0, sum up how many times.如果“I”列中的值高于 0,则求和次数,如果值低于 0,则求和次数。

This is what I have so far:这是我到目前为止所拥有的:

Sub newCode()
    Dim i As Long: i = 1
    nextValue As Integer
    Dim rng As Range
    Do While Range("I" & i).Value = 0 And Range("R" & i).Value = 2
        i = i + 1

    Range("I1:I" And "R1:R" & i - 1).EntireRow.Select
    'getting mismatch error
    nextValue = rng.Offset(1, 0).Value
    If nextValue > 0 Then
    'Need help here
    ElseIf nextValue < 0 Then
    'Need help here

End Sub

here is something that does what you describe:这是你描述的东西:

Sub newCode()
    Dim nextValue As Integer
    Dim row As Range
    Dim sel As Range
    Dim countPos As Integer
    Dim countNeg As Integer
    For i = 1 To 1000
        If Range("I" & i).Value = 0 And Range("R" & i).Value = 2 Then
            Set row = Range("A" & i).EntireRow
            If sel Is Nothing Then
                Set sel = row
                Set sel = Application.Union(sel, row)
            End If
            nextValue = Range("I" & i + 1).Value
            If nextValue > 0 Then
                countPos = countPos + 1
            ElseIf nextValue < 0 Then
                countNeg = countNeg + 1
            End If
        End If
    MsgBox "Count of positive values: " & countPos & vbCrLf & _ 
           "Count of negative values: " & countNeg
End Sub

It processes exactly 1000 rows, selects the rows having a "0" in column I:I and a "2" in column R:R, and return (*) the count of rows that:它恰好处理 1000 行,选择在列 I:I 中具有“0”和在列 R:R 中具有“2”的行,并返回 (*) 行数:

  • are just below those selected rows ("2" in column I:I and "0" in column R:R)就在这些选定行的下方(I 列中的“2”:I 和 R 列中的“0”:R)
  • have a positive or negative value in column I:I.在 I:I 列中具有正值或负值。

(*) You might need to display the Execution Window in the Visual Basic Editor to see the result produced by the procedure. (*) 您可能需要在 Visual Basic 编辑器中显示执行 Window 以查看过程产生的结果。

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