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[英]How can I extend the date of a client certificate after the expiration date of the root certificate?

As a result of generating and using Azure connection certificates, according to the instructions https://learn.microsoft.com/es-es/azure/vpn-gateway/vpn-gateway-certificates-point-to-site#clientcert , we obtain a self-signed root certificate and a client certificate.作为生成和使用 Azure 连接证书的结果,根据说明https://learn.microsoft.com/es-es/azure/vpn-gateway/vpn-gateway-certificates-point-to-site#clientcert ,我们获取自签名根证书和客户端证书。 If I have a root certificate that expires on 10/10/2022.如果我的根证书将于 2022 年 10 月 10 日到期。 If I generate a client certificate with an expiration date of 10/10/2023, that is, one year older than the root.如果我生成一个过期日期为 10/10/2023 的客户端证书,即比根目录早一年。 Query.询问。 Can I expect the VPN connection using the client certificate to continue working after 10/10/2022?我可以期望使用客户端证书的 VPN 连接在 2022 年 10 月 10 日之后继续工作吗?

Best Regards, Marcelo.最好的问候,马塞洛。

This would not work.这是行不通的。

Generally, you will not even be able to upload the root certificate if it's expired to a VPN gateway.通常,如果根证书过期,您甚至无法将其上传到 VPN 网关。

With that said, in case the root certificate expires post uploading to the Gateway, the remote clients will throw and error stating RootCertificate validity expired.话虽如此,如果根证书在上传到网关后过期,远程客户端将抛出错误并指出 RootCertificate 有效性已过期。 在此处输入图像描述

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