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如何限制我的应用程序访问我的 Next.js API

[英]How to restrict access to my Next.js APIs for my application

I am building a Next.js application in which I want to restrict access to my APIs.我正在构建一个 Next.js 应用程序,我想在其中限制对我的 API 的访问。 I only want my application to make those requests.我只希望我的应用程序提出这些请求。

I once built an app with MERN stack , and I remember I used cors to only allow my domain to make requests to my APIs.我曾经使用 MERN MERN stack构建了一个应用程序,我记得我使用cors只允许我的域向我的 API 发出请求。 But apparantly cors does not work with nextJS, and I tried many npm modules such as nextjs-cors but they didn't work.但显然 cors 不适用于 nextJS,我尝试了许多 npm 模块,例如nextjs-cors ,但它们没有用。

I am thinking about using firebase App Check in order to check if this is my app that is making the requests, but I am still hesitant.我正在考虑使用 firebase App Check来检查发出请求的是否是我的应用程序,但我仍然犹豫不决。

What do you think is the optimal and professional solution for this?您认为optimalprofessional的解决方案是什么?

PS: Is there a similar behavior to cors in but in NextJS because I also remember cors did not allow postman to make requests as well to my APIs. PS:在 NextJS 中是否存在与 cors 类似的行为,因为我还记得 cors 也不允许 postman 向我的 API 发出请求。

That is what API keys are for.这就是 API 键的用途。 Since you have control over both client and server, in client requests you can add a random key to headers when you make request.由于您可以同时控制客户端和服务器,因此在客户端请求中,您可以在发出请求时向标头添加一个随机密钥。 Then on the server, you can extract the headers console.log(req.headers) , if the headers include the specific key and matching value, you process the request if not you reject the request.然后在服务器上,您可以提取标头console.log(req.headers) ,如果标头包含特定键和匹配值,则处理请求,否则拒绝请求。

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