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AS400 - 从非 ILE Cobol 程序传递和调用以及 RPGLE

[英]AS400 - Passing and calling and RPGLE from a non-ILE Cobol program

A non-ILE Cobol program is calling and passing parameters to an RPGLE program.非 ILE Cobol 程序正在调用 RPGLE 程序并将参数传递给该程序。 The Cobol passes a non-sorted area to RPG, RPG sorts that area with SORTA and returns the sorting area back to the Cobol. Cobol 将未排序的区域传递给 RPG,RPG 使用 SORTA 对该区域进行排序,并将排序区域返回给 Cobol。

  1. Passing parameters between non-ILE Cobol to RPGLE - Is that possible?在非 ILE Cobol 和 RPGLE 之间传递参数——这可能吗?
  2. What are the constrains (size of parameters, number of parameters)?约束是什么(参数的大小,参数的数量)?
  3. Any compilation restrictions?有编译限制吗?
  4. Any other tips are welcome:)欢迎任何其他提示:)

RPGLE code: RPGLE代码:


Yes, it's possible to call an ILE RPG program from any COBOL program.是的,可以从任何 COBOL 程序调用 ILE RPG 程序。

You can pass up to 255 parameters on a program call.您最多可以在程序调用中传递 255 个参数。

There are no compilation restrictions.没有编译限制。 Compile both programs normally.正常编译这两个程序。

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