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Web 基于 DOT 的编辑器不显示填充颜色?

[英]Web Based Editors of DOT don't display fill color?

I am doing my best to learn the DOT language in order to make node & edge diagrams.我正在尽最大努力学习 DOT 语言以制作节点和边图。 There are two web based editors that let you enter code and immediately see implementation: edotor.net and graphviz-visual-editor.有两个基于 web 的编辑器可以让您输入代码并立即看到实现:edotor.net 和 graphviz-visual-editor。 But I've tried the code for giving a node a fill color and the editor doesn't indicate there's any error, but the display doesn't show it.但是我已经尝试了为节点提供填充颜色的代码,并且编辑器没有指示有任何错误,但是显示器没有显示它。 Here's a simple sample code to demonstrate a node named 'a' with a yellow fill:下面是一个简单的示例代码,用于演示名为“a”的带有黄色填充的节点:

digraph {
  a [fillcolor = yellow]

...which instead gives me a node named 'a' with no fill. ...反而给了我一个没有填充的名为“a”的节点。 Or white fill.或白色填充。 Changing the color of a node outline or an edge works fine...更改节点轮廓或边缘的颜色效果很好......

I considered that maybe just the web display can't show it, but downloading it as a png looks the same我考虑过可能只是 web 显示器不能显示,但是下载为 png 看起来是一样的

Is there something I'm doing wrong?我做错了什么吗? Or is this just something the web based DOT editors can't do?或者这只是基于 web 的 DOT 编辑器不能做的事情?

Thank you in advance先感谢您

You also need the attribute style=filled .您还需要属性style=filled Like so:像这样:

digraph {
  a [style=filled fillcolor = yellow]

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