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如何在 Firebase 安全规则中添加 OR 运算符

[英]How to add OR operator in Firebase Security Rules

rules_version = '2';
firebase.storage {
  match /b/{bucket}/o {
    match /Users/{userId} {
    allow read: if request.auth != null;
    allow write : if itemDelete(userId);
    function itemDelete(userId){
    return userId != '1.jpg' || '2.jpg' ;

How can I use OR ||我怎样才能使用或 || operator in firebase security rules if I use userId.= '1.jpg' this works but when I use userId.= '1.jpg' || firebase 安全规则中的运算符如果我使用 userId.= '1.jpg' 这有效但是当我使用 userId.= '1.jpg' || '2.jpg' this not work. '2.jpg' 这不起作用。

Please help me请帮我

From the doc :来自文档

allow rules consist of a method, such as read or write , as well as an (optional) condition. allow规则由一个方法组成,例如readwrite ,以及一个(可选)条件。

In your case it means that itemDelete(userId) should return a boolean .在您的情况下,这意味着itemDelete(userId)应该返回boolean

But with但是随着

function itemDelete(userId){
   return userId != '1.jpg' || '2.jpg' ;

it is not the case.事实并非如此。

It's not clear to me what is the exact logic of the current code of the itemDelete() function so I let you adapt it in such a way it returns a boolean in line with your security requirements.我不清楚itemDelete() function 当前代码的确切逻辑是什么,所以我让您对其进行调整,使其返回符合您的安全要求的boolean

What you're trying to do is actually an AND condition and expressed like this:您要做的实际上是一个 AND 条件,并表示如下:

function itemDelete(userId){
  return (userId != '1.jpg') && (userId != '2.jpg');

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