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参数来自 ajax 调用 null

[英]Parameters are coming null from ajax call

I have a following method in ASP.NET MVC:我在 ASP.NET MVC 中有以下方法:

public PartialViewResult SaveUpdateVariants(string TitleEn, string TitleAr, int ItemID, List<ItemVariant> data)

I am calling it from ajax call like this我像这样从 ajax 呼叫它

        url: '/Inventory/SaveUpdateVariants',
        contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', // Include ContentType
        data : JSON.stringify(update),
        method: "POST",
        type: "POST",
        success: result => {
            $("#variant-table  tbody").replaceWith(result);

Update object is like this更新object是这样的

"TitleEn": "aa",
"TitleAr": "aa",
"ItemID": "829",
"data": [
        "ItemVariantID": "-1",
        "NameEn": "s",
        "NameAr": "a",
        "Amount": "10"

But my action method receiving all the parameter as null.但是我的操作方法接收所有参数为 null。

since you are using 'application/json;因为您使用的是“application/json; charset=utf-8' ContentType you have to add FromBody attribute to action and create in c# the same model as you have in java script charset=utf-8' ContentType 您必须将 FromBody 属性添加到操作中,并在 c# 中创建与 java 脚本中相同的 model

public PartialViewResult SaveUpdateVariants([FromBody] Item item)

public class Item
 public string TitleEn {get; set;} 

 public List<ItemVariant> data {get;set;}


Can you try this你能试试这个吗

data : {TitleEn : update.TitleEn, TitleAr : update.TitleAr, ItemID : update.ItemID}

and so on..等等..

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