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TelemetryConfiguration.CreateDefault 和新的 TelemetryConfiguration() 之间有什么区别?

[英]What is the difference between the TelemetryConfiguration.CreateDefault and the new TelemetryConfiguration()?

What is the difference between the TelemetryConfiguration.CreateDefault and the new TelemetryConfiguration() ? TelemetryConfiguration.CreateDefaultnew TelemetryConfiguration()有什么区别?

I am talking about the types from the Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility namespace.我说的是来自Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility命名空间的类型。 Both seem to work the same.两者似乎都一样。

If you are using the TelemetryConfiguration() then you have to manually set the ConnectionString property, but the TelemetryConfiguration.CreateDefault() factory method loads the ApplicationInsights.config file if it exists and some defaults.如果您使用的是TelemetryConfiguration() ,则必须手动设置ConnectionString属性,但TelemetryConfiguration.CreateDefault()工厂方法会加载ApplicationInsights.config文件(如果存在)和一些默认值。

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