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NInject DI 的 DI 等价物是什么?

[英]What is the DI equivalent for NInject DI?

I am currently migrating from .net4.6 which uses NInject modules.我目前正在从使用 NInject 模块的 .net4.6 迁移。 My target is to use .net6 core and its native DI.我的目标是使用 .net6 核心及其本机 DI。 While doing so I came across a statement from NInject for which I am wondering if there is an equivalent for the same in .net6 native DI?在这样做时,我遇到了 NInject 的声明,我想知道在 .net6 本机 DI 中是否有相同的声明?


Should I register for each type of ICachePoolProvider as shown below?我是否应该如下所示注册每种类型的 ICachePoolProvider?


I never used NInject but from your code I expect the method you are searching for is:我从未使用过 NInject 但从您的代码中我希望您正在搜索的方法是:

services.AddSingleton(typeof(ICachePoolProvider<>), typeof(CachePoolProvider<>));

You can find a good example of an IGenericRepository here您可以在此处找到IGenericRepository的一个很好的示例

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