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npm chokidar 射击事件两次

[英]npm chokidar firing event twice

I'm using the NPM package chokidar to watch for the new files.我正在使用 NPM package chokidar 来监视新文件。 I want to execute a function whenever a new file is created or an existing file is updated.我想在创建新文件或更新现有文件时执行 function。 The problem is whenever a new file is created the chokidar NPM package fires 2 events that are add and change .问题是每当创建新文件时,chokidar NPM package 都会触发addchange两个事件。 Which makes the function execute 2 times.这使得 function 执行了 2 次。

I tried to add listeners in 2 ways.我尝试以两种方式添加听众。

Method 1方法一

watcher.on('add', handleFileRequest);
watcher.on('change', handleFileRequest);

Method 2方法二

watcher.on('all', (event, path) => {
        console.log(`event: ${event}`);
        if (event == 'change' || event == 'add') {

Both of the above code snippets call the handleFileRequest method 2 times.以上两个代码片段都调用了 handleFileRequest 方法 2 次。

I used a global Array ( processing_requests ) to keep track of the handleFileRequest running for different files.我使用全局数组 ( processing_requests ) 来跟踪针对不同文件运行的handleFileRequest and then before calling handleFileRequest I checked if this function is already running for the same file.然后在调用handleFileRequest之前,我检查了这个 function 是否已经在为同一个文件运行。 If it's already running then I simply skip the execution of handleFileRequest .如果它已经在运行,那么我只是跳过handleFileRequest的执行。

watcher.on('all', (event, path) => {
        if ((event == 'change' || event == 'add') && !processing_requests.includes(path)) {
            setTimeout(function() {
                processing_requests = processing_requests.filter(x => x != path);
            }, 500);

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