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现在 EF Core 6.0 DBContext 脚手架不再将简单的连接表映射到显式实体类型,因此可以使用连接实体的替代方法

[英]Alternatives to using join entities now that EF Core 6.0 DBContext scaffolding no longer maps simple join tables to explicit entity types

I am currently upgrading a large database-first project to EF Core 6.0.我目前正在将一个大型数据库优先项目升级到 EF Core 6.0。 Details of the breaking EF Core 6.0 scaffolding change described in the title can be found here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/what-is-new/ef-core-6.0/breaking-changes#many-to-many .可以在此处找到标题中描述的突破性 EF Core 6.0 脚手架更改的详细信息: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/what-is-new/ef-core-6.0/breaking-变化#多对多 I am also aware of the mitigations available and the open efcore issue to optionally restore join tables.我也知道可用的缓解措施和开放的 efcore 问题以选择性地恢复连接表。

From the article above:从上面的文章:

It is very rare that the join entity type needs to be used directly when it contains only two foreign keys for the many-to-many relationships.当连接实体类型只包含多对多关系的两个外键时,很少需要直接使用它。

This is simply not true in the project I am working on.在我正在从事的项目中,这根本不是真的。 My questions are:我的问题是:

  • Why is the preferred mitigation to use the many-to-many relationships directly?为什么首选缓解措施直接使用多对多关系?
  • What is the recommended way of doing so when adding relationships between existing entities (example below)?在现有实体之间添加关系时,推荐的做法是什么(下面的示例)?
  • Is there a more performant approach, or is this a question of style?是否有更高效的方法,或者这是一个风格问题?

For example, consider a many-to-many relationship between a Person and a Thing.例如,考虑一个人和一个事物之间的多对多关系。 In EF Core 6.0 the join entity is no longer available:在 EF Core 6.0 中,连接实体不再可用:

public partial class PersonThing
    public int PersonId { get; set; }    
    public int ThingId { get; set; }

    public virtual Person Person { get; set; }
    public virtual Thing Thing { get; set; }

And the tables are mapped with a many-to-many relationship instead:而这些表是用多对多关系映射的:

public partial class Person
    public Person()
        Thing = new HashSet<Thing>();

    public int PersonId { get; set; }        
    public string PersonName { get; set; }    

    public virtual ICollection<Thing> Thing { get; set; }

public partial class Thing
    public Thing()
        Person = new HashSet<Person>();

    public int ThingId { get; set; }
    public string ThingName { get; set; }    

    public virtual ICollection<Person> Person { get; set; }

Previously it was possible to update the relationship between existing Persons and Things using ids only:以前可以仅使用 id 更新现有的人和物之间的关系:

public void UpdateThings(IReadOnlyCollection<int> thingIds)
    // sync PersonThings
    var syncQueue = SynchronisationHelper.GetSynchronisationQueue(thingIds, _model.PersonThing, (s, d) => s == d.ThingId);
    foreach (var thingId in syncQueue.Inserts)
        var personThing = new Database.Model.PersonThing
            PersonId = _model.PersonId,            
            ThingId = thingId
    foreach (var personThing in syncQueue.Deletes)

What is the alternative to this without access to the join entity type?没有访问连接实体类型的替代方法是什么? Must you load the related entity from context just to create the relationship, or is there a better way of achieving this?您必须从上下文中加载相关实体才能创建关系,还是有更好的方法来实现这一点?

public void UpdateThings(IReadOnlyCollection<int> thingIds)
    // sync Things
    var syncQueue = SynchronisationHelper.GetSynchronisationQueue(thingIds, _model.Thing, (s, d) => s == d.ThingId);
    foreach (var thingId in syncQueue.Inserts)
        var thing = _context.Thing.Single(t => thingId == t.ThingId);

    foreach (var thing in syncQueue.Deletes)

Based on this comment on the open efcore issue to optionally restore join tables, I am satisfied that using join entity types is a perfectly valid database-first approach, and using them (or not) is a question of preference / style.基于对可选恢复连接表的开放式 efcore 问题的评论,我很满意使用连接实体类型是一种完全有效的数据库优先方法,使用(或不使用)它们是偏好/风格的问题。 There are already mitigations available to map join entity types using scaffolding in EF Core 6.0, hopefully the issue is addressed so this can be achieved without a workaround. map 在 EF Core 6.0 中使用脚手架加入实体类型已经有了缓解措施,希望这个问题得到解决,这样就可以在没有变通办法的情况下实现。

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