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CSS 未被 Eclipse e4 使用

[英]CSS not used by Eclipse e4

I want to use CSS styling for some widgets in only one plugin of my application.我只想在我的应用程序的一个插件中对某些小部件使用 CSS 样式。

The Plugin's plugin.xml contains:插件的 plugin.xml 包含:

        label="Planning Theme">

The Plugin.xml's extension tab didn't suggest the extension point, but after I entered it in the file, I could see the properties. Plugin.xml的扩展选项卡没有提示扩展点,但我在文件中输入后,我可以看到属性。 One of which is "basestylesheeturi" and it allows me to browse for the file.其中之一是“basestylesheeturi”,它允许我浏览文件。 So the file definitely exists.所以这个文件肯定存在。

@charset "ISO-8859-1";

    color: blue;

Text {
    color: COLOR-CYAN;
    background-color: COLOR-WIDGET-BACKGROUND;

Button {
 font: Verdana 24px; 
 border-color: #EEEE00;
 border-width: 2;

But it isn't used by Eclipse. When I start my Application, I cannot see any styles from the css file.但它未被 Eclipse 使用。当我启动我的应用程序时,我无法从 css 文件中看到任何 styles。 Setting colors to black or fonts to huge sizes... nothing has an effect.将 colors 设置为黑色或将 fonts 设置为大尺寸......没有任何效果。 Even Syntax Errors in the css file won't result in an error message.即使 css 文件中的语法错误也不会导致错误消息。

What can I do to ensure my plugin uses this css file for Texts, Buttons, etc.?我该怎么做才能确保我的插件将这个 css 文件用于文本、按钮等? Is my old Eclipse version maybe not supporting the extension point?我的旧 Eclipse 版本可能不支持扩展点吗?

Version: Oxygen.3 Release (4.7.3)


If I understand greg's answer correctly, I have to use both extension points ( org.eclipse.core.runtime.product and org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.theme ).如果我正确理解了格雷格的回答,我必须同时使用两个扩展点( org.eclipse.core.runtime.productorg.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.theme )。 Additionally I added the css/default.css to the bin.includes section of the build.properties.此外,我将 css/default.css 添加到 build.properties 的 bin.includes 部分。 The style is still not used.该样式仍未使用。

There is a cssTheme already defined in another plugin.xml for the product by using those two extension points.通过使用这两个扩展点,已经在产品的另一个 plugin.xml 中定义了一个 cssTheme。 From my understanding it should be possible to define a second theme only for a certain plugin.根据我的理解,应该可以只为某个插件定义第二个主题。

It may be that I need to implement a ThemeSwitchHandler as vogella describes here but it's unclear how to make use of it (how and when to call it).可能我需要实现一个ThemeSwitchHandler ,正如vogella 在这里描述的那样,但不清楚如何使用它(如何以及何时调用它)。

That extension point just defines a theme, it doesn't tell e4 to use it.该扩展点只是定义了一个主题,并没有告诉 e4 使用它。

For a pure e4 RCP you specify the theme to be used in the cssTheme property of the org.eclipse.core.runtime.products extension point which defines your product:对于纯 e4 RCP,您指定要在定义产品的org.eclipse.core.runtime.products扩展点的cssTheme属性中使用的主题:

        ... other properties

If there is already a theme defined in the RCP you can contribute an extra stylesheet file to the theme.如果 RCP 中已经定义了一个主题,您可以为该主题提供一个额外的样式表文件。 For example:例如:


Which adds an extra file to the standard Eclipse org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.theme.e4_dark dark theme.它向标准 Eclipse org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.theme.e4_dark黑暗主题添加了一个额外的文件。

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