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Angular 材料表数据源不接受来自 app.service.ts 的 Observable

[英]Angular Material Table dataSource won't accept Observable from the app.service.ts

I am building a simple webshop app in Angular and I want to represent products I get thru the service in an Angular Material Table.我正在 Angular 中构建一个简单的网上商店应用程序,我想在 Angular 材料表中展示我通过该服务获得的产品。 I have a Product interface:我有一个产品界面:

export interface Product {
    id: number;
    name: String;
    price: number;

I have a products.json in my assets folder.我的资产文件夹中有一个 products.json。 In my service class have getProducts() method that reaches back to the json (in the future possibly to a more distant backend):在我的服务 class 中,有 getProducts() 方法可以返回到 json(将来可能返回到更远的后端):

private products_url = "/assets/data/products.json";

  public getProducts(): Observable<Product[]> {
    //return this.http.get<Product[]>(`${this.apiServerUrl}/product/all`);
    return this.http.get<Product[]>(this.products_url);

In my component class I have a getProducts() function that reaches out to the service:在我的组件 class 中,我有一个 getProducts() function 可以访问该服务:

  public getProducts(): void {
      (response: Product[]) => {
        this.products = response;
      (error: HttpErrorResponse) => {

When I want to declare the dataSource for the Material Table in a way that it gets the products thru this getProducts() function in the component, I get an error.当我想以一种通过组件中的 getProducts() function 获取产品的方式声明材料表的数据源时,出现错误。

  public dataToDisplay = this.getProducts();;
  public dataSource = new ExampleDataSource(this.dataToDisplay);

The error says: Argument of type 'void' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Product[]'.ts(2345)错误提示:“void”类型的参数不可分配给“Product[]”类型的参数.ts(2345)

How can I fix this?我怎样才能解决这个问题?

You need know how work an Observable.你需要知道 Observable 是如何工作的。 An Observable is asyncronous. Observable 是异步的。 So you don't get the response else inside subscribe function. So you need所以你不会在订阅 function 中得到其他响应。所以你需要

dataSource:MatDataSource<any> //outside you declare the variable

public getProducts(): void {
      (response: Product[]) => {
        this.products = response;
        //here asign the matDataSource
        this.dataSource = new MatDataSource(this.dataToDisplay);
      (error: HttpErrorResponse) => {

BTW, if you don't need sort or paginate, the data source of a mat-table can be an array, so you can use async pipe顺便说一句,如果你不需要排序或分页,垫表的数据源可以是一个数组,所以你可以使用异步 pipe

dataSource$=this.canteenService.getProducts() //<--see that is an observable

<table mat-table [dataSource]="dataSource$ |async">

NOTE: By defect all the variables of a component you declare are public, so it's unnecessary use public variable:any -you can declare as variable:any -注意:由于缺陷,您声明的组件的所有变量都是公共的,因此没有必要使用public variable:any -您可以声明为variable:any -

Your function getProducts() from your component doesn't return anything, you even set the return type as void , also, the naming convention for this particular function is wrong since you are not get ting anything您组件中的 function getProducts()不返回任何内容,您甚至将返回类型设置为void ,此外,此特定 function 的命名约定是错误的,因为您没有get任何东西

I suggest you do the following:我建议您执行以下操作:

getProducts$(): Observable<Product[]> {
  return this.canteenService.getProducts();
<table [dataSource]="getProducts$()">


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