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如何查找 EKS Fargate 集群 DNS 名称?

[英]How to Find EKS Fargate Cluster DNS name?

How to find the Cluster DNS name in EKS Fargate https://DA21235B122C8728D6CB5E1E05320597.gr7.eu-west-1.eks.amazonaws.com如何在 EKS Fargate 中找到集群 DNS 名称https://DA21235B122C8728D6CB5E1E05320597.gr7.eu-west-1.eks.amazonaws.com

The DNS name of an EKS Fargate cluster can be found in the "Clusters" section of the Amazon EKS console.可以在 Amazon EKS 控制台的“集群”部分找到 EKS Fargate 集群的 DNS 名称。

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